Підвищення світової та регіональної конкуренції університетів вимагає нового підходу до генерації та реалізації ідей в освітньому та науковому просторі. У сучасному світі суттєво зростає роль горизонтальних зв’язків в університеті, роль лідерських якостей, завдяки яким особи можуть ефективно розпочинати та завершувати відповідні проекти. Для допомоги у вирішенні цієї проблеми у кінці 2015 року за ініціативи Британської Ради в Україні, Інституту вищої освіти в Україні був започаткований проект «Програма розвитку лідерського потенціалу університетів України», присвячений формуванню в закладах вищої освіти нашої держави управлінських команд нового рівня, діяльність яких буде спрямована на всебічний розвиток індивідуальних якостей осіб та їх можливості працювати у команді. В роботі проаналізовано командний потенціал університетських команд на основі психологічного тестування. Визначено, що частка психотипів учасників програми суттєво відрізняються від аналогічної статистики в Україні та Європі, зазначено позитивні та негативні сторони такої ситуації.
Сектор державного управління з одного боку регулює інвестиційні процеси в країні, а з іншого боку безпосередньо приймає участь в цих процесах шляхом державного інвестування, що вимагає максимізації ефективності використання обмежених капітальних ресурсів держави. На основі міжнародного досвіду, а також з урахуванням національних особливостей України, у роботі запропоновано власну методологію відбору інвестиційних проектів, яка ґрунтується на поєднанні двох підходів: відбір за показником ENPV та багатокритеріальний підхід AHP. Пріоритетом цієї методології є максимальне врахування всіх ефектів від реалізації проекту та обмежені можливості фінансування проектів, а також мінімізація ризику виникнення корупції. Згідно з методологією всі інвестиційні проекти діляться на три групи в залежності від сфери інвестування: ІТ, інновації, транспортна інфраструктура; захист навколишнього середовища, енергозбереження; інші проекти. Вибір проектів здійснюється відповідно до оптимізаційної задачі, у якій цільова функція задачі максимізує вигоди від реалізації проектів, обмеження моделі показують, що витрати на реалізацію проектів не можуть перевищувати заплановані капітальні видатки на відповідний період. Також враховуються особливості розподілу капітальних видатків за групами проектів.
Збільшення ролі жінок в суспільстві проявляється в розширенні їх участі в суспільних процесах і бізнесі. Тому гендерна рівність є важливим компонентом соціально-економічного розвитку країни. Однак чи існує зв'язок між гендерними факторами і економічним зростанням? Дана стаття відповість на це питання.
One of the major conditions of effective agriculture production is sufficient farm mechanization. However, the unstable economic situation in Ukraine, combined with bureaucratic problems, an unstable currency exchange rate, and sharply changed trade routes (which has caused major losses to a number of farms and traders working with the Custom Union) created significant obstacles for investing in machinery in Ukraine. It is especially topical for small and medium farms that usually function in poor economic conditions without any adequate access to the credit market. Consequently, Ukrainian agriculture producers often have an inadequate mechanization rate. As a result, the productivity of Ukrainian farms is significantly lower as compared to other countries that have similar natural conditions in terms of temperatures, precipitation and quality of agricultural lands. A no less important problem is the lack of awareness of small and medium farms, which may not realize the effect that investment has in agriculture machinery. Thus, in order to provide specific numbers for potential investors and prove the efficiency of this fund placement, an expected direct economic effect from machinery investment (as an increased profit from higher yield) was estimated. The first step was to define those types of agricultural machinery that have significant impact on the yield and productivity levels for each of the most important crop types: grain, oil crops, vegetables, fruits, etc. Then, an impact of additional investment in various machinery means on crops yield was estimated. Finally, based on fixed prices and a discount rate, an expected additional profit generated by newly purchased machinery on an average farm was estimated. The model proved especially high profitability of investment in such machinery as ploughs, fertilizers spreaders, harvesters, tractors, and machines for irrigation – most of them are paid off (on a land parcel with area around 2000 ha) in three years or less.
Оцінка ефективності діяльності викладача
Суттєве падіння якості вищої освіти вимагає рішучих дій всіх учасників освітнього процесу. Університети намагаються проводити свою діяльність в умовах обмеженої фінансової автономії, що дестимулює їх обмежувати кількість студентів. Це призводить до того, що ефективність викладацької роботи, її впливу на розвиток студентів залишається поза увагою не тільки сучасних дослідників, але й керівництва багатьох університетів. Проте вже зараз через відкритість кордонів, достатньо високу мобільність населення та особливо студентів, університети, що не забезпечуються адекватної підготовки, втрачають абітурієнтів.
На основі міжнародного досвіду пропонується більшу увагу приділяти саме тим здібностям викладачів, які прямо впливають на якість отриманої студентами освіти. В першу чергу, для цього слід впровадити обов’язкові опитування студентів для визначення якості прочитаних курсів, відповідності викладачів поставленим результатам навчання. Всі наведені кроки мають сприяти одній меті – формуванню нової культури роботи в університеті, за якої абсолютно всі ланки, всі учасники освітнього процесу будуть зацікавлені у підвищення якості вищої освіти.
Формування культури якості вищої освіти в українських університетах
В статті авторами розкрито сучасні підходи до нового напряму в сфері освітніх послуг- формування культури якості освіти в українських університетах, визначено основні проблеми й загрози щодо формування та забезпечення культури якості навчального процесу в університетах, наведені рекомендацій щодо підвищення конкурентоспроможності університетів на національному та міжнародному рівні при впровадженні принципів та норм культури якості освіти. Авторами запропоновані принципи за якими має формуватися культура якості вищої освіти в українських університетах.
Today there is no state that can be sure in its energy security. States and its citizens are constantly faced with new threats. The layout of the article is as follows: Section 10.1 describes the introduction to the problem, highlighting the scope and agenda of the energy security study. Section 10.2 describes the concept of the energy security for Ukraine, current trends, and calculative assessments available in the world and considers the position of Ukraine in the World Energy Council (WEC) index in details. Section 10.3s provides expert scenario forecasting of the balance of electricity in Ukraine up to 2030 with regard to world megatrends and EU integration of the state. Comparison assessment of the international risk index for energy security of EU states and Ukraine is presented. Section 10.4 provides the VAR modeling and impulse analysis of Ukraine’s energy security to resource shocks. Those are followed by short conclusion and discussion. Results of this paper have a few policy implications for the energy strategies of Ukraine and the EU. First of all, it is a high time to review the energy policy in the aspect of the energy security adequate assessment and forecasting. It is also necessary to improve the Ukrainian legislation in the field of energy efficiency, in particular regarding the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in Ukraine, according to optimistic scenario of the development.
Моделювання впливу обсягів державного боргу на економічне зростання країн світу
У статті розглянуто вплив обсягів державного боргу на економічне зростання різних країн світу. Покращено існуючий метод оцінки впливу державного боргу на економічне зростання розвинутих країн з використанням характеристики стабільності боргу та економетричної моделі Хансена у до- та післякризовий період. За допомогою розглянутої моделі досліджено наявність порогових значень для різних боргових змінних у розвинутих країнах та країнах з низьким рівнем доходу. За допомогою регресійного аналізу досліджено особливості впливу державного боргу на економічне зростання української економіки.
Роль технологічних змін у зростанні нерівності доходів населення у ЄС
Проведення стимулювання економічного зростання у країнах ЄС в останні роки викрили достатньо серйозні проблеми з соціальним задоволенням населення. Зокрема, рівень нерівності доходів значно зріс практично у всіх країнах Європейського Союзу. Така ситуація суперечить положенням економічної теорії, згідно з якою розвиток технології має сприяти вирівнюванню доходів населення. В роботі вивчається кількісний взаємозв’язок між рівнем технологічного розвитку країни та рівнем нерівності доходів її населення. Показано, що країни центральної Європи та Великої Британії досягли такого рівня розвитку та перерозподілу в економіці, що зміна продуктивності праці не здатна суттєво збільшити нерівність доходів населення. Периферійні країни через суттєву залежність від більших економік та недостатнього розвинутого механізму перерозподілу в економіці зазнають вплив від технологічних змін.
Еconomic Modeling of Energy Security: Simulation of Economic Processes (Case of Ukraine Gas System) (англ.мовою)
The paper considers issues of ensuring energy security in Ukraine. The first part of the paper is devoted to the analyses of the existing threats to energy security and the possibilities of guaranteeing this security. It was shown that the current level of energy security is unsatisfactory. It poses a real threat to the economic and national security of Ukraine. One of the most important elements of ensuring energy security in Ukraine is the production, import, and distribution of natural gas. The second part of the paper provides a detailed statistical analysis of the natural gas supply in Ukraine. Based on economicmathematical approaches, forecasts for state production, import and transit of gas for 2018-2020 are calculated. With the help of cluster analysis, the clusterization of regions of Ukraine by the energy security level was made in the third section. We received five clusters according to the levels of gas supply. It was concluded that the government should carefully and transparently approach the negotiation processes with other states interested in joint projects for the extraction and supply of oil and gas to Ukraine.
Trends of International Energy Security Risk Index in European Countries (англ.мовою)
The paper deals with the analysis and forecasting of energy security risk index for eleven European countries (the United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, and Ukraine for the period 1992-2016). Nowadays, energy security plays an important role in guaranteeing the national, political and economic security of the country. A literature review of different approaches to defining energy security gave the possibility to consider the regression model of energy security risk index assessment, which takes into account the levels of economic, technical and technological, ecological, social and resource components. This step was proceeded with clusterization of the analysed countries in three groups according to Energy Security Risk Index. Based on this approach resource-mining countries (Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK) were grouped in Cluster I, while Ukraine occupied the last Cluster III. The next division in five clusters supported the indicated allocation. Finally, we calculated the forecasts of energy security risk index based on data of 1992-2014. It allowed realizing the perspectives of energy market for the nearest future, particularly for Ukraine, which needs development of a new strategy of energy security
The impact of technological changes on income inequality: the EU states case study (англ.мовою)
In spite of economic growth, which led to the creation of millions of new jobs, income inequality has been growing sharply in most parts of the world. There is no doubt that inequality of income is the single greatest threat to social stability throughout the world. Development of technologies contributes to the increase of labour productivity, replacement of job positions by robots and automatic machines, which can further exacerbate social inequality. The aim of this paper is to determine how changes in technology affect the inequality of income in European countries. Based on the econometric apparatus, two periods are investigated: the first one, from 2006 to 2017 and the second one, from 2010 to 2017, that characterizes a new economic era after the global financial crisis. All countries were clustered, which made it possible to generalize their social and technological development. The novelty is that we considered the dichotomy and cointegration of two economic categories – income inequality and technological changes. Using a model that features biased heterogeneity, factor proportions, and labour market frictions, we obtained four quite sufficient results. (1) Central European countries and the UK have reached such a level of development and redistribution in the economy that a change in labour productivity is not significantly associated with any deepening of inequality in incomes. (2) Periphery countries, due to their significant dependence on larger economies and lack of the developed mechanism for redistribution in the economy, are affected by technological changes. (3) The more economically developed is a country, the less impact on income inequality can be initialized by technological change. (4) The deeper is income inequality in a country, the more it responds to technological changes, but the impact on inequality can be both positive and negative.
Estimation of Renewable Energy Sources Application in the Synergy with European Union Policy (англ. мовою)
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. - 2018; 3(198): - С. 54-65. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/198-3/7
This paper gives the possibility to analyze the application of renewable energy sources (RES) at different stages of their implementation to energy supply. Through the world experience we research the dynamics of energy consumption by its types; determine, what kinds of alternative sources are demanded most of all. In addition, we assess the efficiency of the application of RES in Ukraine. According to statistical and correlation analysis, it was proved that for Ukraine it is the most profitable to use biomass energy, while solar energy remains relatively expensive for our country. At the same time situation may change if costs for the solar panel will decrease in the future. It is shown that use of alternative energy sources decrease the energy intensity of GDP, while fossil resources increase this parameter. Unfortunately, Ukraine faces difficulties in attracting investments for development of RES as they are not so profitable at this time. It means that government should change its policy, increasing electricity prices to the European level, giving the chance for energy independence. In any case, in Ukraine, it will be necessary to increase the introduction of RES, as our country has only about 2% of RES in energy balance, while European countries in average have 17% and some of them have more than 60%.
Estimating the interrelation between energy security and macroeconomic factors in European countries (англ.мовою).
This paper deals with the analysis of energy security in certain European countries. The investigation of different approaches to evaluation of the energy security parameter showed some drawbacks of their application in practice. This fact has led the authors to the idea to develop a completely new index of energy security that includes, inter alia, quite a traditional approach - based on the data about consumption, production, distribution, and allocation of energy resources - also paying attention to productivity and efficiency of using such resources. The first part of the paper discusses the advantages of a new parameter in comparison to the existing analogies. The next part concerns the estimation of four-panel regressions that describe the interrelation of main macroeconomic parameters with the new energy security index (NESI). They showed that the increase of GDP is positively correlated with NESI, and negatively - with CPI. Therefore, on the one hand, economic tools may improve energy security in Europe, and on the other, guaranteeing energy security leads to lower prices and bigger national output.
Вплив сучасних геополітичних викликів на економічну безпеку держави
Зміни геополітичної кон'юнктури у світі створюють ризики та загрози як для самої економіки країни, так і її економічної безпеки. У роботі розглядаються можливі ризики, викликані геополітичним протистоянням держав та блоків країн, економічними передумовами конфліктів, боротьбою за ресурсне та енергетичне забезпечення. Показано, що геополітичні виклики будуть суттєво впливати на економічну складову країн світу ще достатньо довгий час, особливо важливим це буде для України, яка через обмеженість своєї економіки не може відігравати значну роль на міжнародній арені.
Challenges for Higher Education: The Case of Ukraine (англ. мовою)
In September 2014, a new Higher Education Act, which significantly expanded the autonomy of the university and provided a real opportunity for the unification of Ukrainian and European educational space, was passed in Ukraine. New rules of work should improve the quality of education and make national universities competitive worldwide. At the same time, the educational institutions face numerous problems of transition, which should be solved as soon as possible. The issues that require a coordinated approach for the majority of higher education universities are analyzed within the paper.
Analysis of Energy Security Provision in the European Countries (англ. мовою)
In this paper, different approaches to understanding the concept of “energy security” were considered through the prism of factors that affect its level and methods of its evaluation. An assessment of the energy security level was conducted based on the Shannon-Wiener index for 15 countries in Europe (Austria, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Switzerland, and Sweden) in the period 1985–2014. The impact of fuel prices, in particular, oil and natural gas, on the level of energy security in these countries have been researched. The grouping of these countries into clusters was carried out on the basis of the calculated value of the Shannon-Wiener index. As the structure of energy consumption in Austria, Greece, Norway, and Poland is diverse, that is, they consume different sources of energy (oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power plants, renewable energy) in a more even way than those that have fallen into other clusters. In addition, the prediction of the level of energy security (the Shannon-Wiener index) was calculated for Ukraine by classical forecasting methods, the Holt-Winters method, using the Hodrick–Prescott filter, simple linear regression, and using trend lines. An absolute majority of forecasts have shown that Ukraine’s energy security level will slightly increase from its current level in 2015–2017. It says there is no reason to talk about sufficient improvement of the diversification of resource supply.
Geopolitical Climate of Black Sea Region (англ. мовою).
In: Emerging Importance of Wider Black Sea Area Security. – Lucian Blaga Univeristy of Sibiu, June, 2018. – PP. 107-117.
Paper deals with the analysis of different current threats in the Black Sea region (BSR). At present, countries are inclined to apply protectionist measures to defend their own markets, which leads to a restriction of free trade and hence to a vigour struggle for certain resources. One of the most important resources is energy, but it can be supplied in different forms. The paper analyses four sources of energy, including coal, oil, gas and renewable energy. It is proved that the type of energy used plays an important role in detecting geopolitical influence. It is investigated how different European countries are dependent on Russia’s supply and how this level is interrelated with the level of happiness in these states. The negative relation is detected, revealing new threats to the BSR, when a high dependence on energy resources from Russia exists. It was shown that relative prices for resources are being diminished comparing to stock markets. Therefore, in the nearest future, the attempts will be made to form energy superpowers, which, by controlling energy sources, will try to raise prices in the market and to monopolize it as the next step. The EU and the BSR, in particular, should be ready for such threats, providing common energy policy.
Предприниматель больше не король своего бизнеса (рос. мовою).
Основная задача руководителя современного бизнеса - создание эффективного управления в условиях постоянной смены менеджеров, правильное распределение аутсорсинга, подготовка предприятий для последующей продажи.
Аналіз торгівлі між країнами ЄС та Україною за допомогою гравітаційної моделі
У роботі побудована та проаналізована гравітаційна модель для п’яти європейських країн, що знахо дяться на різному рівні розвитку (Фінляндії, країн Балтії та України). Дослідження показало, наявність спільної валюти дозволяє збільшити обсяги експорту приблизно на п’яту частину. Завдяки розвиненості транспортної інфраструктури можна суттєво збільшувати обсяги торгівлі в Європі, особливо, при залученні країн Східної Європи.
Economic modeling of the GDP gap in Ukraine and worldwide (англ. мовою)
The concept of output gap plays an important role in traditional macroeconomic theory, applied research and monetary policy. The paper reveals analyses of the potential economic development in Ukraine and in some countries of the world under limited information. Thus, the practical goal is to consider the best modelling approach for the possibility to regulate GDP in Ukraine, as it has been experienced in other countries of the world. The research is realized with the help of economic-mathematical modelling of GDP gap based on the analysis of the production function, statistical methods of distinguishing the trend component, one-dimensional filtration, multidimensional filtration. Practical importance of the paper includes implementation of methods for estimating potential GDP and the GDP gap, in particular, the authors proposed to use an approach based on the production function for the potential growth of European countries modelling. The model reveals that for the Eurozone countries, in the short term, it is not expected that the economy will reach its potential level. The negative forecast is explained by the fact that the Eurozone has been severely affected by the debt crisis. There has been a significant increase in the gap in production volumes, which in turn led to deflation. Despite the uncertainty in the assessment of potential GDP and GDP gap for Ukraine the multidimensional method provided the best modelling result. Thus, it is disclosed that Ukraine is under the growing wave of the business cycle, but not in the synergy with the EU dynamics.
Gravity model analysis of globalization process in transition economies (англ.мовою).
The globalization process develops itself differently for each transition country. Likewise, implementation of reforms and their impacts on trade relations show variety among countries. The article focuses on five countries (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine). It considers how the factors (the size of the economy, the ratio of the price index of the countries, common borders on the sea or on land, distance between the states and the existence of common currency) have affected the export trade volume with trading partners during 1996-2017. The main methodology of the article is formed around the gravity model, which suggests that trade relations between countries can be explained by their economic size and the distance between states’ financial centres. The findings show that such factors still play a significant role, but logistic problems became much weaker during the last years. It is necessary to note the influence of the Industry 4.0, which intensifies the service of the economy and introduces new adjustments to the allegedly established theoretical dependencies in trade and economic development of the state. The research has shown that countries that are close to each other have fewer opportunities for developing export potential. At the same time, the presence of a common currency allows states increase exports by about one-fifth. At present, changes in domestic prices in countries do not play a significant role in exports, same as the ratio of the economy size. Therefore, taking into account the development of transport infrastructure, it is possible to increase significantly the exports in Europe, especially with the involvement of Eastern Europe.
Роль європейської інтеграції в забезпеченні економічної безпеки
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 2019. №2(203). С. 53-59. doi: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/203-2/7
Розглядається питання забезпечення рівня економічної безпеки країнами Європи. На основі гравітаційної моделі створена панельна регресія для 49 європейських країн за 1991–2017 роки. Результати дали змогу визначити фактори,що впливають на розповсюдження високого рівня економічної безпеки на сусідні країни. Зокрема, проаналізовано силу впливу таких факторів, як: індекс економічної безпеки країни-сусіда, різниця в індексах економічної безпеки між країнами,відстань між країнами, наявність спільних кордонів, участь країни в Європейському Союзі, введення євро в країні.
Головні цілі та фактори впливу. Що вивчають макро- та мікроекономіка
Teachers of the most known Business University will tell readers what the economy is and how it works. What is economics, what it studies, why we need it – tells the tutor of the Edinburgh Business School, PhD in Economics, Assoc. Professor Andriy Stavytskyy.
Testing the fruitfulness of the institutional environment for the development of innovative-entrepreneurial Universities in Ukraine (англ. мовою).
Strengthening the integration of higher education, research, and innovation is a crucial requirement of time. The entrepreneurial university today is considered and analyzed as a promising model for their combination. The educational and scientific systems of many countries are faced with the task of converging all vertices of the “knowledge triangle.” The problem of Ukrainian educational and scientific system is a necessity to implement the concept of formation of the innovation and entrepreneurial model of a modern university, which will enable the effective implementation of administrative reforms in this field. The article aims to analyze the impact of innovative environmental factors on the development of entrepreneurial universities in Ukraine, based on correlation and panel regression analysis. The method of quantitative analysis (panel regression) is used to formulate the key results of the article. The results show that the growth of government expenditures by 1% leads to an increase in the Global Innovation Index by 0.375 in 4 years. Also, every additional 1% of people working with new technologies increases the level of Global Innovation Index by 0.75 annually. Despite European trends, Ukrainian educational environment does not contribute to the development of innovation and entrepreneurial universities (the education expenditures are ineffective). The research provides a vector for understanding the implementation of the most effective strategies of promising innovation and investment development of education and science in Ukrainian universities, considering their existing potential and contemporary world trends of development.
Stavytskyy А., Kharlamova G., Stoica E.A.
The Analysis of the Digital Economy and Society Index in the EU (англ. мовою).
The paper analyzes the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), which characterizes the development of digital economy. Based on the data of 28 European countries for 2013–2018, using the panel regression, we studied the influence of the consumption index growth by the purchasing power parity and unemployment among the active population on the structural units of DESI. It is shown that a 1% increase in the consumption index results in about 0.2 increase in the DESI, and an increase in unemployment by 1% leads to about 0.2 DESI decline. It is also shown that the 98% value of DESI is actually determined by its previous trends, and therefore it is impossible to increase this index rapidly. Some reflections and conclusions are made on the perspective of the developing states, i.e., Ukraine, that is not yet assessed in DESI ranking.
Ставицький А.В., Козуб М.Б.
Моделювання нерівності доходів у країнах Європейського Союзу
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 2019. 4(205): 34-40. https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/205-4/5
У статті розглянуто сучасні тенденції розвитку процесів диференціації доходів для країн Європейського Союзу за останні 10 років. Аналіз особливостей впливу нерівності доходів населення на економіку країн дав змогу зробити висновок про обернену залежність між зростанням розриву в доходах різних груп осіб та розвитком економіки. Для визначення результатів було розроблено динамічну стохастичну модель загальної рівноваги в умовах закритої економіки всіх 27 країн-дійсних членів Європейського Союзу за останні 10 років, де діють три макроекономічних суб'єкти: домогосподарство, фірма, держава. Обраховані показники відповідно до складеної моделі демонструють в загальному негативну тенденцію динаміки значення нерівності доходів, що зумовлює актуальність вибору стратегічного курсу розвитку країн із врахуванням таких тенденцій. Отримана модель є універсальною та може бути застосована для інших регіонів світу за умови попереднього калібрування параметрів, її розширення через введення додаткових джерел доходу з метою отримання більш точних результатів. Висновком дослідження став аналіз основних напрямів реформування європейської економіки для досягнення соціального прогресу країн.
А. Роскладка, Н. Роскладка, А. Карпюк, А. Ставицький, Г. Харламова.
The data science tools for research of emigration processes in Ukraine (англ. мовою)
Problems and Perspectives in Management. 2020. Volume 18, Issue #1, pp. 70-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.18(1).2020.07
The process of world globalization, labor, and academic mobility, the visa-free regime with the EU countries have caused a significant revival of migration processes in Ukraine. However, there is still the research gap in the most informative, and, at the same time, accurate method of the assessment and forecasting of the migration flows. Thus, the object of research is migration processes (mostly emphasizing the emigration flows). The motives, causes of emigration processes, and their relationship with the economic state were analyzed. The impact factors of external labor migration on the economy of the host countries were revealed, particularly the negative and positive impacts of emigration on the socio-economic situation in Ukraine and the migration attitude of Ukrainians were assessed.
The main result of study is further development of the econometric model for forecasting the number of emigrants from Ukraine to other countries in the nearest future. The model considers the factors of minimum wage lavel in Ukraine, the number of open vacancies in the countries of Eastern Europe, and the level of competition for jobs. According to the results of forecasting based on Maple computer algebra system and Microsoft Power BI analytical platform, by the end of 2019, the number of emigrants from Ukraine supposed to be the largest in the last four years and to reach the estimates in the range from 2,444 to 2,550 million people, which may indicate a new third wave of emigration processes.
А. Соколовська, Т. Затонацька, О. Люльов, А. Ставицький, В. Гієдратіс
The Impact of Globalization and International Tax Competition on Tax Policies (англ. мовою)
Research in World Economy. 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Special Issue). Doi: https://doi.org/10.5430/rwe.v11n4p1. URL: http://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/rwe/article/view/18664
The aim of the paper is to determine to what extent the strengthening of the transparency of the Ukrainian economy and its incorporation in international tax competition affects the tax policy of the country and the peculiarities of its tax system. In the study, the logical analysis of the direct and inverse relationship of changes in taxation with such manifestations of globalization, as the movement of capital and labor resources from Ukraine and to the country, is combined with an empirical (regression) analysis of the relationship between globalization and the main characteristics of the Ukrainian tax system. It is proved that the increase of incorporation of Ukraine in globalization processes, despite the reduction of taxes on the main factors of production, is accompanied by an increase in the general level of tax burden on the economy (tax rate). The above mentioned is a consequence of increase of other taxes, including excise, caused both by internal needs of Ukraine (conducting the policy of fiscal consolidation caused by large public debt, and increasing defense expenditures) and its international obligations (EU Association Agreement). The tax system in Ukraine is much stronger (about 25%) influenced by the general index of globalization in comparison with its subindex characterizing the economic component of globalization. Obviously, this is owing to the greater influence on taxation in Ukraine of other components of globalization such as political and social one. The results show that the growth of the globalization index is accompanied by rather expected effects such as reduction of corporate profit tax rates and personal income tax, transferring the tax burden from capital to labor and, to a greater extent, on consumption, improving business conditions in the context of tax payments, and specific increase in the general level of tax burden on the economy, significant losses of the state that is not so much from the reduction of tax rates as from the erosion of the tax base on income, which is the result of a combination of negative effects of external and internal factors; the threat of escalating the policy of low tax rates. It is recommended to the Ukrainian Government to focus increasingly on the tax evolution trends in post-socialist EU countries to strengthen Ukraine`s position in tax competition with this group of countries.
A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova, V. Giedraitis, V. Osetskyi, V. Kulish
Can key interest rates decrease output gaps? (англ. мовою)
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 17(3), 205-218. doi:10.21511/imfi.17(3).2020.16, URL: https://businessperspectives.org/journals/investment-management-and-financial-innovations/issue-360/can-key-interest-rates-decrease-output-gaps
The difference in the GDP levels is crucial for the macroeconomic forecasting to develop adequate and supportive fiscal and monetary policies. Most mismeasurements under current geoeconomics challenges can be explained by the difficulty in predicting recessions and the overestimation of the economy’s potential capacity. The research aims to consider the GDP gap’s effectiveness for the possible forecasting of the monetary policy, particularly the central bank’s interest rate. The study uses quantitative methods, particularly VAR modeling. The VAR model is chosen as a proven useful tool for describing the dynamic behavior of economic time series and forecasting. The data sample is chosen as Eurozone, the United States, and Japan. The similarity is detected on output gaps implementation in the considered states; however, the variety in the responses to the financial crisis is revealed. This difference is due to the different sensitivity of economies on the impact of monetary instruments. In particular, the Japanese economy has a relatively low level of sensitivity to changes in monetary instruments. In terms of the reactions of central banks to the current economic crisis caused by COVID-19, then due to the global lockdown and the incredible decline in economic activity, almost all countries are in a situation of negative GDP gap according the paper’s approach. However, the measures to mitigate it will vary in different states.
Г. Харламова, А. Ставицький
Гендерне питання в підприємницькій діяльності: сучасне сприйняття підприємців
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 2020. 3(210). С. 42-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/210-3/6
На сьогодні питання гендеру та рівності можливостей для жінок і чоловіків піднімається все частіше, незважаючи на те, що в розвинених країнах відбуваються дуже сильні тенденції фемінізації. Однак розвиток нових технологій, перехід в онлайн знов виводить на поверхню питання гендеру в рамках нових геоекономічних викликів, як-то: розвиток креативних індустрій, цифровізація, зростаюче безробіття через процеси автоматизації, зростання соціальної та економічної нерівності. Погляд у майбутнє неможливий без розуміння впливу минулого. У роботі розглянуто три країни, принципові економічні партнери України, які мали соціалістичне минуле, хоча і формувалися в різних соціально-культурних векторах, та такі, що показують різні темпи розвитку й використовують різні економічні моделі. Робоча гіпотеза: чи різниться гендерно підприємництво в цих країнах? Базу даних взято із Глобального моніторингу підпри- ємництва (GEM) та досліджено за допомогою статистичних і економетричних методів. Результати показали, що за максимальної схожості сприйняття підприємців самих себе в обраних країнах, гендерна різниця все-таки існує в плані більшої підприємницької активності жінок у країні, яка показує вищі економічні показники на сьогодні.
А. Ставицький, Г. Харламова, M.Наумова
Development of information system to model cyclic fluctuations of economic time series (англ. мовою)
Sokolov, O., Zholtkevych, G., Yakovyna, V., Tarasich, Yu., Kharchenko, V., Kobets,
V., Burov, O., Semerikov, S., Kravtsov, H (Eds.): ICT in Education, Research, and
Industrial Applications. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2020. Volume II: Workshops. Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 6-10, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online. р.313-328. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/
Decision making in the economy demands tools to find the most effective, cost-affordable, and optimal solutions. Besides, there is a high necessity to have possible solutions not for tactic needs but for strategic as well. Business and economic analysts of all levels of economic management are eager to put up the user-friendly software, apps, or solutions to support their analytic and forecasting attempts. In the epoch of the claimed Industry 4.0, rapid digitization and on-line of recent quarantine events, the information systems, and any computer support is the best possibility and treasure. This paper is devoted to the idea of possible computer support for the analysis and forecasting of economic dynamics. Particular attention is paid to the time series modelling and detecting of its cyclic component. The majority of economic time series have the seasonality or other cycling inside of its dynamics, that could dramatically pervert the linear trend forecast or any other determinate direction of the trend. The proposed information system is quite user-friendly but the low error way provides a potential user with the tool of cyclic component forecasting. The methodology is grounded in the Assimakopouloscyclicity filter. The case of Denmark's GDP quarterly since 1995is presented to test and confirm the system's effectiveness in acquiring knowledge about the dynamics of the economic system. The sufficient accuracy of the implemented forecasting methods is presented.
A. Роскладка, Н. Роскладка, Г. Харламова, А. Ставицький
Sokolov, O., Zholtkevych, G., Yakovyna, V., Tarasich, Yu., Kharchenko, V., Kobets, V., Burov, O., Semerikov, S., Kravtsov, H (Eds.): ICT in Education, Research, and
Industrial Applications. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2020. Volume II: Workshops. Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 6-10, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online. р.313-328. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/
The article contains a study of the principles of student's educational trajectory formation by using modern technologies in data analysis. There is a mandatory requirement to have the selective component (optional to a student) among the curriculum educational components. This rule is legislated in the laws «On Education» and «On Higher Education» of Ukraine as well as in the normative documents on accreditation of educational programs, defined by the Standards and recommendations on quality assurance in the European Space of Higher Education (ESG) and the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education. However, adherence to the principles of the individual educational trajectory formation is mostly formal and is reduced to offering students a non-coherent list of courses. On the one hand, this leads to the disorientation of a student, who cannot see the systemic perspective of his future profession in the initial list of study courses, and therefore cannot consciously choose the optimal set of optional courses. On the other hand, the unknown choice of courses by students leads to situational management of the educational process at the HEI. A large number of courses create significant difficulties in managing the selection process. To analyse the process of individual educational trajectory formation, the authors propose to use methods of data association and, in particular, the apriori algorithm for the formation of associative rules. The procedure of popular sets of elective courses formation, the configuration of associative rules of educational courses choice is studied. The characteristics of these rules quality are calculated. The example of the procedure implementation in analytical platform Deductor Studio is considered.
А. Ставицький, М. Козуб
Ekonomika, 99(2), pp. 6-19. doi: 10.15388/Ekon.2020.2.1.
The article describes the features of the processes of economic convergence in the countries of Eastern Europe for the last 10 years. The analysis of β- and σ-convergence was carried out based on a system of macroeconomic indicators with 10 key parameters. The calculation of the direction and speed of convergence was performed using the econometric instruments in the region as a whole and pairwise analysis of the β-convergence index for all analyzed countries. The obtained results allowed to conclude the inequity development of Eastern European countries and the lack of a stable trend towards convergence of macroeconomic indicators. The resulting model is universal and can be applied to other world regions or to determine the processes of convergence of another system of macroeconomic indicators and choose main directions of reforming to bring national economies closer and achieve stronger external relations.
А. Ставицький, В.Тараба
Аналіз ефективності методів технічного аналізу при прогнозуванні фондових індексів
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 4(211)/2020. С. 53-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/211-4/6
Проаналізовано прибутковість методів технічного аналізу для семи фондових індексів за останні десять років, а та
кож розглянуто загальну динаміку фондових індексів. Відповідно до отриманих результатів прибутковість технічного аналізу зросла останнім часом через зміну умов на ринку, натомість для періоду 2010–2018 років прибутковість методів технічного аналізу була значно нижчою. Аналіз показав, що найкращі результати розглянуті методи технічного аналізу продемонстрували на китайському, індійському та гонконгському фондових індексах, найгірші – на американському, євро
пейському та японському фондових індексах. Проте стійкість розглянутих методів, як виявилося, досить низька. Це пов'язано з тим, що їхня прибутковість сильно змінюється зі зміною вибірки. Розглянуто також питання агрегування сигналів технічного аналізу та сигналів ARIMA-моделей. Для цього для кожного з розглянутих у роботі фондових індексів підібрано оптимальні ARIMA-моделі, і відповідно на основі прогнозів за цими моделями для кожного індексу отримувалися сигнали на відкриття чи закриття короткої або довгої позиції. Зазначено, що для трьох із семи індексів оптимальною ARIMA-моделлю виявилася модель "білого шуму": у такому випадку отримана модель не використовувалася для побудови
прогнозів та подальшого отримання сигналів. Агрегування сигналів дозволило отримати прибутковість, вищу за середньоринкову на п'яти з семи розглянутих фондових індексів: американському, європейському, китайському, гонконгсь
кому та корейському фондових індексах. Для тестування методів технічного аналізу на історичних даних, підбору опти
мальних ARIMA-моделей та тестування стратегії, що базується на агрегуванні сигналів, використано Python та R. От
римані результати можуть бути використані для розробки торгових стратегій.
А. Ставицький, Г. Харламова, В. Гієдратіс, О. Чеберяко, Д. Нікетенко
Gender question: Econometric answer. (англ. мовою)
There has been an increased interest in the studies on female entrepreneurship due to the changing sociocultural conditions at the global markets. Despite this trend, there is still a lack of understanding about the female entrepreneurs' role in the internationalization processes of firms and states. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of gender differences globally. The critical review of available literature and international reports on the topic revealed the research gap in the application of applied econometrics methods for the gender equality study. Noticing the critical shortage of data on the male/female differences in the economy and entrepreneurship we take Global Gender Gap index as the depictive indicator. The research rises six main questions that test the dependence of gender equality on the territorial affiliation of the country, the level of economic development of the country (income and GDP per capita), the unemployment rate in the country, the level of economy’s shadowing, the educational level in the country and supporting of the research, mainly the involvement of women in science. The panel regressions show that in general the Global Gender Gap Index has been growing and will grow due to the internal factors. This means that in the long run, there are no incentives for most countries to accelerate its development. The only exception to this rule are African countries.
А. Ставицький, Г. Харламова, Черняк О.
Modelling of Population Consumption in Conditions of Instability (англ. мовою)
The analysis of consumption plays an important role in both macroeconomic theory and empirical research. The matter of macroeconomic instability is one of the main points in modern macroeconomics. The tasks of the paper are: to reveal the essence of the population consumption as an economic category; to assess consumer attitudes in different countries, to determine the number of factors that affect the level of consumption and its structural elements under instability; and to construct the models of population consumption patterns. The analysis of the changes in consumer attitudes over the world during the period of instability was conducted. We observed the dynamics and structure of household consumption spending in the United States, Canada, Japan, the European Union, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It has been resolved that over the past few years the global trend has improved, which is characterized by an increase in the consumer confidence index for most countries. We made a focus on the post-crisis period only for Ukraine, not considering the war period due to missed data. Nevertheless, we found out that the Consumer Confidence Index in Ukraine has dropped sharply over the past two years. Ukrainians still negatively assess the economic trend due to the difficult macroeconomic situation in the country. We built the models of the dependence of the consumption growth rate on the permanent and temporary incomes growth rate, the rate of inflation and the percentage deviation from the long-term equilibrium in the period of instability based on the samples for the United States, Canada, Japan, the Russian Federation and European countries.
Kharlamova, G., Stavytskyy, A., Naumova M.
Gender Matters For The Entrepreneurial Activity: Case Of European States (англ. мовою)
Studies in Business and Economics, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol. 15(3), pages 287-302, December.URL: https://ideas.repec.org/a/blg/journl/v15y2020i3p287-302.html
The gender inequality is the hot topic for most countries in the world. However, sometimes the talks about the risks and threats are more dramatic than the reality is. The paper aims to test the gender gap in the selected states and to consider the hypothesis that gender matters in entrepreneurial activity. The methodology of the regression and statistical analyses is proposed to access the main hypothesis and to trace the dynamics of the gender indexes and ranks. The preliminary results show that gender affects the level of entrepreneurial activity; besides government support programs and socio-cultural factors have a significant impact as well. The valid results for all states represented positive correlation and dependence between Entrepreneurial Motivation for TEA and Female/Male ratio for all analysed states. We can conclude that the change in the ratio of women and men engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the state (i.e. Poland) will affect the level of business innovation. For example, when the gender structure of entrepreneurs in Poland changes towards the number of women compared to men, the level of innovation of products and services will increase, or vice versa.
Ставицький А.В., Сачко В.
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 5(212)/2020. С. 33-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/212-5/5
Розглянуто вплив людського розвитку на зміни й трансформації у сфері економіки та на загальний розвиток держави для країн Європейського Союзу та України у період з 1990-го до 2018-го року включно, а також засоби його моделювання за допомогою статистичних та економетричних методів. Аналіз чинників, що впливають на розвиток людського капіталу, дав змогу зробити висновок про пряму залежність зрушень в економіці й соціальній сферах та рівнем якості життя населення. Інноваційні університети, а саме University 4.0, також, у свою чергу, відіграють значну роль на формування нової сучасної економіки знань та розвиток держави загалом, впливаючи на суспільство через когнітивні технології. Для визначення результатів було розроблено моделі часових рядів та моделі множинної та панельної регресій на основі даних Індексу людського розвитку та інших соціально-економічних показників, що визначають фінансову стабільність держави та рівень її забезпеченості та добробуту. Отримані моделі було перевірено на адекватність, значущість коефіцієнтів, стабільність і можливість їх використання на практиці з метою визначення оптимальної з них. Після проведення необхідних тестів і підрахунку похибки RMSPE найкращою з усіх побудованих і проаналізованих моделей виявилася модель Холта-Вінтерса. Вона є універсальною та може бути застосована для подальшого прогнозування економічних, соціальних і демографічних показників інших регіонів світу з можливими коригуваннями основних параметрів і коефіцієнтів для отримання найбільш точних результатів і використання цієї моделі на практиці. Результатом дослідження став аналіз основних провідних напрямів реформування та відновлення української економіки та сфер освіти та охорони здоров’я для досягнення соціального прогресу країни та підвищення рівня її розвитку.
Ставицький А.В., Молоканова К.
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 6(213)/2020. С. 20-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/213-6/3
Розглянуто концепцію якості життя населення та здійснено огляд її розвитку в науковій літературі. Аргументовано, чому оцінка соціально-економічного розвитку країн, а отже, і якості життя населення, не може здійснюватися лише за рівнем ВВП на душу населення, а мають ураховуватися й інші напрями, як такі, що впливають на матеріальну сферу життя населення (рівень доходу, житлові умови, частка базових витрат у загальному споживанні, нерівність розподілу доходу тощо), так і на нематеріальну (якість освіти, охорони здоров'я, екологічний стан, соціальна рівність). Зазначено напрями, що мають ураховуватися під час оцінки якості життя населення відповідно до робіт, що здійснили найбільший вплив на теоретичне вивчення концепції та її практичне застосування. Описано тенденції змін якості життя населення у країнах Європи за період із 2008 по 2019 р., зокрема розглянуто зміни найважливіших показників, які позначаються на якості життя населення. Розглянуто особливості методології побудови й застосування на практиці динамічної стохастичної моделі загальної рівноваги (DSGE-моделі). На основі аналізу якості життя населення та визначення показників, що входять до кожної сфери якості життя населення, було побудовано динамічну стохастичну модель загальної рівноваги. Оцінювання побудованої моделі дало можливість визначити фактори, що здійснюють найбільший вплив на якість життя населення, оцінити рівень якості життя населення для України та країн Європи і сформулювати рекомендації реформ для підвищення рівня життя населення країни на основі сфер і показників, які показують найгірші результати. Побудована модель може бути використана для аналізу якості життя населення для інших країн за умови змін значень показників, відповідно до даних відповідних статистичних служб, та, за необхідності, розширення чи звуження системи показників, використаних для оцінки якості життя населення.
Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova, Olena Komendant, Jarosław Andrzejczak, Joanna Nakonieczny
Methodology for Calculating the Energy Security Index of the State: Taking into Account Modern Megatrends (англ. мовою)
Energies 2021, 14(12), 3621. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/12/3621/pdf. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123621
Energy issue stays a top priority for the national security of most countries. Despite numerous international forums, large-scale geoeconomic research, international and national projects, and the development of appropriate strategies, the issue of energy security assessment and understanding of its terminology is not a universal practice. The presented study has an ambitious goal to develop a methodology that can provide an objective picture of the energy sector on an international scale with cross-country comparisons under the influence of modern megatrends. Based on 29 indicators, according to the World Bank data since 1991, the energy security index is calculated for the set of world states with further analysis of the cluster dynamics of their common trends in energy security. The index showed its objectivity and resistance to existing shocks in geoeconomic dynamics. An important feature of the proposed index is the possibility to compare the energy security index with 1. This value is, in fact, a European average: if a country has an energy security index greater than 1, it means that its energy level is currently better than the European average, and if it is lower than 1, it means that it is inferior to the level of energy security currently achieved on average in Europe. The concept of calculating the index of energy security of the state is based on a unified comparison of all countries, which allows us to move away from the use of signaling approaches and eliminate subjectivity in calculations, as well as provide a basis for dynamic comparison of energy security. The vital aspect of the index is that it takes into account changes in the energy paradigm, the transition to alternative energy sources, and the comprehension of the role of energy efficiency, in particular, of fossil fuels. The study identifies clusters of countries that have consistent similarities in energy security, which can usually be of practical interest in developing energy strategies and understanding the similarity of geoeconomic interests of these states. Thus, this article contributes not only to the development of scientific approaches to the assessment of energy issues, in particular, through the methodological development of a representative index, but also through the presentation of statistically sound results for further effective management decisions at the state level.
Yulia Petlenko, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova
Is the endowment fund a panacea for the financial autonomy of classical universities in Ukraine? (англ. мовою)
Problems and Perspectives in Management. Volume 19. 2021, Issue #3, pp. 396-407. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.19(3).2021.32
The COVID-19 has put higher education institutions in a new situation and identified bottlenecks in the financial structure of institutions and education systems in general. However, for Ukrainian universities, this situation can be seen as an opportunity to achieve financial autonomy. This study is devoted to the consideration of a possible tool for the financial autonomy of Ukrainian classical universities, most of which are state-funded. The paper considers the methodology of a possible tool for the accumulation of external financing – the endowment fund. The case analysis and analytical consideration of world practice are applied. As a result, a model for financing the university in its transition to the innovation and entrepreneurship model is proposed as the chain “endowment fund – development of start-ups”. This example can become the basis of the road map for other national HEIs, as well as the practice of wider use in the field of higher education. However, despite most of the national classical universities have declared a course to an innovative development, which further raised the necessity of external funding, top management and general economic situation require more attention. As this transition to a new model of the university is taking place along with the financial stabilization and under economic and social upheavals, the formation of a new culture of online communication is necessary. Thus, the proposed model is the practical guideline of possible decisions but mostly the start-point for further discussion and research.
Mara, D., Nate S., .Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G.
The Place of Energy Security in the National Security Framework: An Assessment Approach(англ. мовою)
Energies 2022, 15, 658. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/en15020658
The term “energy security” is used almost everywhere in economic and political discussions related to energy supply. However, different authors use different meanings to express the concept of energy security. Quite often, this term is used to give more importance or relevance to issues that are often not inherently related to energy security. Attempts to define the essence of the concept of “energy security” have hitherto not been systematic and are characterized by a variety of approaches, and some insufficient justification especially in the aspect of state national security is notable. Our contribution to the discourse development is the consideration of energy security as part of internationally recognized indices that are developed to assess the temperature of world security. A regression modeling approach to test the crucial factors of social‐economic development that impact the energy security indicators is presented. The literature analysis and review of the world’s existing national security indices show that the link between energy security and national security is in fact hardly considered. Mostly, energy security is considered in the dichotomy concerning economic security at the international, as well as national levels. The calculative regression modeling revealed that the significant correlation of economic and energy security is just for the U.S.A., the rest of the analyzed countires display the weak or non‐significant correlations of the indices of economic/energy/security threats. That pushes the discussion on whether energy security is indeed so impactful a factor for geo‐policy and geo‐economy, or whether it is mostly the well‐rolled media‐supported megatrend. However, the present study notes a great shortage of long‐ term cross‐state indices to reflect energy, economic, and national security to allow for valuable modeling.
Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G., Fedorenko I.
Studies in Business and Economics, vol.16, no.3, 2021, pp.87-108. https://doi.org/10.2478/sbe-2021-0047
In today's globalized world, the challenge of the state economic security ensuring is particularly relevant as a priority for the national interests protection from various threats. The analyses of the experience of the European Union and other countries revealed that national economic security ensuring plays a crucial role in securing for the state its geostrategic significance and potential. The article provides a critical analysis of modern threats and risks to economic security from the geostrategic perspective. The paper develops the methodology of the economic security index calculating based on a unified comparison of parameters of economic and social development of all countries, which allowed to move away from signaling approaches and eliminated subjectivity in assessments and following policy recommendations. In contrast to existing methods, the authors’ approach uses geopolitical factors. This tactic allowed taking into account the directions of change in the world and identifying external threats and risks to state economic security. The analysis and comparison of the index of economic security of European countries based on the offered concept are carried out. The countries are clustered based on the economic security index.
Nate, S., Grecu, V., Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G.
Fostering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems through the Stimulation and Mentorship of New Entrepreneurs (англ. мовою)
Sustainability. 2022, 14, 7985. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137985
Existing definitions of entrepreneurship highlight the functional role of entrepreneurs, emphasizing their responsibilities for coordination, allocating resources, making decisions, supplying capital, innovation, and bearing uncertainty. This research analyzes the impact that external funding and supportive soft-skills mechanisms such as mentorship, advice, and networking with experienced entrepreneurs have on transforming the entrepreneurial attitude of new entrepreneurs. In measuring attitudes regarding entrepreneurial success, a series of variables specific to the nature of the analyzed entrepreneurial ecosystem are revealed and adapted, starting from psychological research. This approach is implemented to evaluate the self-perception of efficacy and transformation of entrepreneurs after initiating their companies. The survey of Romanian new entrepreneurs is considered as the database. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data set is used to consider entrepreneurial motives and impacts at the macrolevel. The correlation analysis, statistical tests, and ANOVA helped to reveal the differences in attitudes to mentorship and similar indicators in the Romanian business environment. The novelty of the research is seen in the consideration of field cases and a global monitoring data set through the prism of ground mathematical methods. The focus on boosting new entrepreneurs with a mixture of finance and soft skills support simultaneously addresses a research gap that is slightly closed by this research. The study showed that the mentoring program for new entrepreneurs increased their self-confidence, especially for young people, taught them how to run a company without outside interference, and significantly transformed the mentality of the participants in the experiment. Thus, the policy of supporting new entrepreneurs not only financially, but also in skills, has good prospects and needs to be intensified.
Stavytskyy, A.
Europa: serve ripensare al concetto di sicurezza energetica (італ. мовою)
Nel febbraio 2022, in Europa è scoppiato il più grande conflitto militare dalla seconda guerra mondiale. Molte le ragioni che ne spiegano la genesi: un governo autocratico in Russia, la mentalità imperiale della popolazione russa, la propaganda informativa, ragioni di carattere storico. A queste, però, ne va aggiunta un’altra che assume una rilevanza particolare: l’energia, pietra angolare attorno a cui ruotano molti interessi economici e la stessa sicurezza dell’Europa.
Kharlamova, G., Roskladka, A., Roskladka, N., Stavytskyy, A., Zabaldina Yu.
Cluster Analysis of Ukrainian Regions Regarding the Level of Investment Attractiveness in Tourism (англ. мовою)
The article contains a description of the process and results of the implementation of the k-means algorithm in the analytical platform Loginom for the problem of clustering the regions of Ukraine by the level of investment attractiveness in the field of tourism. The selection of tourism clusters and their ranking is a difficult task in the field of data analysis, as there is no single consolidated indicator of investment attractiveness. The conclusion about the affiliation of a particular region to one of the tourist clusters is determined by a set of indicators of the volume of tourist services for different types of economic activity in the field of tourism. The Loginom system has powerful tools for cluster analysis using EM-Clustering, k-means, g-means and others. The tools of statistical and visual analysis of the obtained results deserve special attention: Table, Statistics, Chart, OLAP-Cube, Cluster Profiles. Clustering has made it possible to identify groups of regions that are actively developing the tourism industry (primarily Kyiv city and Odesa region) and are currently formed for tourism investors. Equally important is the selection of problem regions that have a low level of attractiveness for domestic and foreign tourism. It is noted that Ukraine has a huge potential for the development of the tourism industry. The regions that, according to the results of the cluster analysis, are in the problem group have “world-class tourist pearls”. The Government of Ukraine and local authorities should pay attention to the insufficient level of development of the tourism industry, provide comprehensive support to the regions that are in the problem cluster, and thus increase their level of investment attractiveness.
Kharlamova, G., Stavytskyy, A., Komendant, O.
Aligning Higher Education in Ukraine with the Demands for Data Science Workforce (англ. мовою)
Accelerated technological development in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution changed the nature of competition in world markets, increasing the importance of technological opportunities as a source of competitive advantage and identifying technology as a key factor in production. Every year, digital technologies change everyday life, creating the foundations for sustainable socio-economic development. Changes resulting from the revolution in information technology signal the need for new approaches to training, particularly in Ukraine. Technologies are improving at a fairly rapid pace, but the methodological base at the level of Ukrainian high education institutions (HEIs) is adapting to such changes rather slowly, which, accordingly, slows down the process of “smarting” of education. In turn, graduates are not the most attractive for the modern labour market. This article highlights the urgent need for extensive training in this area. In turn, the paper aims to offer a case of the study programme for graduating data science analysts (DSAs). The original approach is the master degree programme case for the social science faculty but not for engineering faculty as it is traditionally. The necessity of DSAs is extremely high in the economic field/business however mostly graduates of the engineering faculties having strong programming skills lack the economic knowledge and understanding of business laws. The contribution of the paper is that the proposed program differs from existing ones on the market, but is not implemented in HEIs, with its systematical adaptability to the requirements of the state standard; as well it meets all the requirements of employers in the field of Data Science. The paper is mostly in the practical and descriptive area thus the methodological base of the research are general scientific research methods like historical method, comparative analysis, methods of analyses & synthesis, system approach and logical generalization.
Silviu Nate, Daniel Mara, Alin Croitoru, Felicia Morândau, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova
The Interest Level Assessment in Attending Training Programs among Romanian Teachers: Econometric Approach (англ. мовою)
The article explores the determinants of Romanian in-service teachers’ willingness to participate in a national training program focused on mentoring in education. A multidimensional analytical model and survey data collected from a large sample of Romanian teachers (N > 5000) revealed a specific profile of those teachers who are interested in joining this type of training in education. It is found that individuals’ interest in joining the training program is positively affected by a higher level of education, prior experiences of attending training programs, and higher awareness of the role of mentoring in education. At the same time, individuals’ self-assessed needs for training and more challenges faced in online/blended teaching during the pandemic period also increase the teachers’ chances to be interested in joining the training program. However, a negative relationship is found between age and the willingness to enroll in the training program. Based on these general findings, the article advances the comparisons between three subsamples of teachers depending on their teaching level (primary education, lower-secondary education, and upper-secondary education). The study is designed to contribute to the general debate on reforming education systems through mentoring in education, and its findings can inform policymakers and stakeholders in the field.
Erstida Ulvidienė, Irma Meškauskaitė, Andriy Stavytskyy, Vincentas Rolandas Giedraitis
An Investigation of the Influence of Economic Growth on Taxes in Lithuania (англ. мовою)
Ekonomika 2023, vol. 102(1), pp. 41–59. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Ekon.2023.102.1.3
The level of economic interstate competition has been growing significantly in recent decades. Countries are constantly trying to apply lower tax rates to attract large businesses to their territory. They are also trying to improve the efficiency of tax collection on their area of jurisdiction. The paper examines how economic growth affects Lithuania’s tax collections. Based on quarterly data of the 2002–2022 period, ARDL models for the main types of taxes were considered. We find that for all types of taxes, the models have the same structure, which allows comparing the impact of gross domestic product on tax collections both in the short term and in the long term. Analysis showed that the largest reserves are in the corporate sector, where the growth in tax revenues exceeds gross domestic product growth by 115%. The long-term effect for general taxes is almost 19% higher than the growth of the tax base, that is, the Lithuanian economy as a whole has a tendency for a reduction of the shadow economy, which means that there are significant opportunities for further growth.
Silviu Nate, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova
Index of the Openness and Transparency of Budgeting and Financial Management of the Defence and Security Sector: Case of Ukraine (англ. мовою)
Sustainability,2023, 15(7), 5617; https://doi.org/10.3390/su15075617
Currently, the military actions on the territory of Ukraine require significant support from EU countries and partners in providing military and material assistance. The issue of openness and transparency of budgeting, particularly in the defence and security sector, becomes even more significant. The peak of interest in the literature on the issues of openness and transparency of budgeting appeared in 2005–2006. However, in Ukraine, which has largely continued to follow Soviet trends, this is an alarming subject. It has been brought to the forefront by the events after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. One of the ways to guarantee the openness and transparency of budgeting is the development of a suitable open data system, which includes the analysis of all financial costs based on the proper methodology. Such a methodology should be founded on the concept of assessing the openness and transparency of budgeting and financial management of the defence and security sector of Ukraine at the current stage in the conditions of war and, after it, be measured quantitatively and implemented using IT. This article aims to consider the methodology of an index of openness and transparency of budgeting and financial management of the defence and security sector and to implement it in the case of Ukraine. Based on the conducted literature review, a new method to calculate the index of openness and budgeting transparency of the defence and security sector of Ukraine is built. Nine separate indicators are defined, and each of them affects the final value of the index. Some indicators have a binary form, and some have a scale, which is used to estimate their specific weight of impact. This approach makes it possible not only to monitor the openness and transparency of the defence and security sector but also to show the dynamics of the development of the phenomenon and compare it, in the future, with other countries. Based on calculations for 2008–2021, the trend of this index is shown for Ukraine, and conclusions are made regarding its further application.
Silviu Nate, Ganna Kharlamova, Andriy Stavytskyy,
Roundtable Discussion on Ukrainian Reconstruction After the War: Key Policy Paper and Recommendations (англ. мовою)
Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. 2023, 3 (20). P. 204-220. https://doi.org/10.33327/AJEE-18-6.3-n000321
Background: The work examines the results and conclusions of the roundtable held on May 24, 2023, within the framework of the research project. The participants of the event discussed the main challenges that the Ukrainian government will face after the war when restoring the economy. The war and Ukraine’s expected victory should significantly change the geopolitical and economic situation in the world, change the understanding of energy as a weapon, and thus, create a guarantee of energy independence for the entire European continent. Scholars, policy makers, scientists, and practitioners joined together in discussion about addressing the needs of Ukraine after the victory, during the reconstruction phase. The participants noted the inevitability of institutional changes in the Ukrainian state, which is required by the future accession to the EU and NATO. However, in addition to economic challenges, Ukraine will face a complex of significant post-war problems: ensuring social stability, restoring infrastructure, ensuring the integration of the military into peaceful life, restoring the ecology of the territories where military operations were conducted, and significantly reforming the judicial system.
Results and Conclusions: The policy paper concerning Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts was announced as a result of the roundtable. It was highlighted that, to establish a future regional infrastructure and foster a win-win business perspective, it is crucial to engage in practical discussions with the Romanian government and private companies. Creating a shared business platform would facilitate the transition from expressing interests to direct participation in the recovery process. To achieve broader reconstruction goals, it is essential to involve other Western industry actors from countries like Germany, France, Italy, the U.S., the UK, Poland, Norway, etc., with their financial, technological, and implementation capabilities.
E. Ulvidienė, I. Meškauskaitė, V. Giedraitis, A. Stavytskyy
The Relationship between GDP and Tax Revenues from the Market of Gambling and Lotteries in Lithuania (англ. мовою)
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 2023; 1(222): 148-155. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2023/222-1/19
More than two decades after the legalisation of gambling and almost three decades after the beginning of the organisation of lotteries in Lithuania (the Gaming Law of the Republic of Lithuania came into force in 2001 and the Law on Lotteries in 2004), it is already possible to discern the trends in the development of this business and the impact of this business on the individual and on society. Gambling and lotteries are seen ambiguously both in the work of researchers and in society: some see the activity as a fun pastime or a form of leisure, while others argue that it is an addiction with negative psychological, social and economic consequences for the individual, the family and society. In Lithuania, there has been very little research on the impact of gambling and lotteries on individuals and society, compared to other countries such as Italy, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In these countries, gambling and lotteries have a very long and deep tradition, are a very important area of the economy (business) and a popular way of spending leisure time. This article examines the development trends of the gambling and lotteries market in Lithuania. The study made use of quarterly time series data including from 2004Q1 to 2021Q4. During the research we established, that every year, the income from land-based gambling decreases and the gross income from online gambling increases. In 2021, 53 percent of the gross gambling and lottery revenue structure was from online gambling. Additionally, according to the of Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, the paper estimated the relationship between the gross domestic product of Lithuania and the tax receipts of gambling and lotteries to the Lithuanian state budget. According to the study, GDP growth influences gambling and lottery tax revenues directly, without postponed effect, but at the same time, there is a fairly strong inertia in budget revenues from gambling and lottery.
A. Ставицький, Г. Харламова, В. Шпирко
Фінансування оборонних витрат України: нова геополітична парадигма чи збереження сталих тенденцій?
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. 2023; 1(222): 126-140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2023/222-1/16
Найбільший з часів Другої світової війни військовий конфлікт в Європи ставить закономірні питання щодо економічного обґрунтування його причин, впливу на різні сектори економіки. В першу чергу під аналіз попадає саме оборонний сектор, у якому за останні десятиріччя відбувалися значні зміни в усіх країнах. У статті проаналізовано, як ступінь фінансування оборонного сектору, прозорість такого фінансування, його величина впливають на розвиток національної безпеки та обороностійкості, наскільки глибоко розглядалися ці питання з методологічної точки зору. В роботі досліджується питання витрат на оборону в Україні, рф, ЄС, США та Китаї. Показано, що в цих країнах спостерігалися різні тренди при фінансуванні армії, що було викликано різними стратегіями та підходами до ймовірності військового конфлікту високої інтенсивності. На основі економіко-математичного аналізу в роботі показано, що найбільший рівень мілітарізації спостерігався якраз у рф, яка цілеспрямовано готувалася до війни. В той час як витрати України були приблизно на одному рівні. Одночасно, ЄС та США мали схожу та стабільну динаміку та амплітуду у видатках бюджету на оборону. Китай мав незмінний відсоток витрат на оборону у державному бюджеті. Враховуючи поточну геополітичну ситуацію, слід очікувати подальшого зростання витрат на оборону у всіх зазначених країнах для проведення модернізації армій.
A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Publishing: Preliminary Remarks and Perspectives (англ. мовою)
Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. 2023 4 (21). https://doi.org/10.33327/AJEE-18-6.3-n000319
Artificial intelligence programs are constantly developing, becoming an increasingly powerful tool for solving various problems. First of all, attempts have been made to use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate new texts, but practice shows that the level of creativity exhibited by these programs is still insufficient for producing substantial articles. Of course, this will not prevent AI programs from developing text, including generation of not only dissimilar text, but capably accomplishing certain conceptual tasks. However, even today, it is possible to use AI programs to solve standard tasks in the preparation, editing, reviewing, processing, and publication of scientific texts. This article will provide an overview of the latest trends in the use of AI programs for academic publishing using examples of several scientific journals. We will look at different levels of AI and their impact on editorial work and review the potential of AI in complementing human input. Next, we will consider the following stages of working with scientific texts in the editorial offices of scientific journals: author and article registration in the journal system; initial analysis of the article; choice of reviewers; article review; communication with the author regarding received reviews; publication decision; proofreading and publication of work; its registration in database systems. In the conclusion, we summarise tips for editors on how to use AI.
Vincentas Giedraitis, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova, Erstida Ulvidienė
Bring on the light: reduction of the corporate shadow economy by tax reform (англ. мовою)
Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. 2023 4 (21). https://doi.org/10.33327/AJEE-18-6.4-a000410
Background: Our preliminary research shows that tax reform can have a meaningful impact in reducing the corporate shadow economy of a society. Countries are constantly applying lower tax rates to attract large businesses to their territory. They are also trying to improve tax collection efficiency in their jurisdiction area. We study the relationship between the Baltic countries' tax systems and the shadow economy level within their respective economies. Our research examines how economic growth can reduce the corporate shadow economy due to changes in tax collections.
Methods: Based on quarterly data from 2002-2022, a panel regression was chosen for the analysis, which allows for determining the impact of each specific tax on the level of the shadow economy separately, considering all three samples as one synergistic system.
Results and Conclusions: Thus far, we find that for all types of taxes, the models have the same structure, which allows for comparing the impact of gross domestic product on tax collections both in the short and long term. Our analysis showed that the effective income tax rate growth increases the shadow economy; that is, the country's citizens attempt to move into the shadows. At the same time, the growth of the effective corporate income tax rate, on the contrary, reduces the level of the shadow economy. A positive increase in the effective VAT rate also contributes to the growth of the shadow economy. The long-term effect for general taxes is almost 19% higher than the growth of the tax base. Thus, as to the Lithuanian economy, for example, it has a tendency for a reduction of the shadow economy, which means that there are significant opportunities for further improvement..
Ganna Kharlamova, Andriy Stavytskyy
Ukraine needs to think about its economic future after the war (англ. мовою)
Democracy in action. URL: https://democracy.uia.no/after-the-war-rebuild-ukraine/
As of today, Ukraine is embroiled in a brutal struggle to remain an independent state, making it difficult to look beyond unfolding military events. Few, then, would be confident in predicting the circumstances amid which the country will eventually emerge from war and embark on its long road to recovery. The question of which sectors or areas of industry Ukraine should pursue when the time comes to relaunch its economy remains perilously unclear.
A. Ставицький, Г. Харламова, В. Шпирко
Вплив політичних та технологічних факторів на прямі іноземні інвестиції: порівняльний економіко-математичний аналіз України та країн світу
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. 2023,№2(223). С 131-142. https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2023/223-2/18
Вступ. За останнє чверть століття спостерігається збільшення ПІІ, особливо в країнах, що розвиваються. Актуальність дослідження обумовлена геополітичними змінами, технологічним прогресом та важливістю ПІІ для фінансування економіки та соціального розвитку. Стаття присвячена дослідженню прямих іноземних інвестицій (ПІІ) у контексті визначальних чинників привабливості країни-реципієнта. Методи. Ключовими факторами впливу обрано політичні і технологічні фактори в розрізі семи різних країн світу, включаючи Україну. Методами регресійного моделювання для 7 країн (Україна Німеччина, Велика Британія, Литва, Румунія, США та Японія) ідентифіковано ключові чинники, які найбільше впливають на ПІІ в кожній з цих країн. Результати. Аналіз виявив важливість таких факторів як політична стабільність та імпорт ІКТ товарів для притоку ППІ до України. У статті зроблено висновок про важливість залучення ПІІ для відновлення інфраструктури, бізнесу та ІТ-ринку, особливо в контексті фінансування від міжнародних організацій та інвестицій міжнародних компаній для України та інших країн-партнерів у післявоєнному житті. Однак це залучення вимгає досягнення політичної стійкості в країні, а також формування економіки, направленої на експорт товарів. Саме з цієї причини є достатньо важливим відкриттят міжнародних ринків для українскьої продукції.
A. Stavytskyy
Russia’s War in Ukraine: Mobilisation in Wartime (англ. мовою)
In the third year of Russia’s war in Ukraine, the need to rotate most Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel has become urgent. Ideally, this should be completed by February 2025. This will, in turn, require the mobilisation of around half a million people, dealing a significant blow to the Ukrainian economy and challenging military training structures.
S. Nate, A. Colibășanu, A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova
Impact of the russo-Uainian war on black sea trade: geoeconomic challenges (англ.мовою)
This paper investigates the strategic importance of the Black Sea region in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Focusing on trade dynamics, geopolitical actors, and regional cooperation, the study analyzes the region's transformation and the resulting implications for global trade. The paper examines how the conflict has redefined trade relationships among Black Sea nations and major powers. For this purpose, trend models are evaluated for three-time samples for the export and import of products of 7 countries of the Black Sea Basin in both nominal and relative dimensions. In total, the evaluation and analysis encompass 1764 econometric models. Noteworthy trends include the evolving roles of the EU, the Middle East, and Russia, the potential resurgence of Ukraine, and Turkey's mediating role. The post-conflict landscape could witness heightened Western influence and continued Chinese engagement.
S. Nate, A. Stavytskyy, R. Șerbu, E. Stoica
Conference discussion “Beyond conflict, Ukraine's journey to recovery reform and post-war reconstruction” (англ.мовою)
The paper investigates the results and conclusions of the conference held on 29 November 2023 within the framework of the research project. The conference extensively discussed the current problems facing Ukraine amidst an aggressive ongoing war. Considerable attention was paid to the country's post-war recovery, necessitating significant reforms in various sectors of the national economy. Participants underscored the need for these reforms to be integrated rather than isolated initiatives, serving as a comprehensive solution for Ukraine's achievement of the SDGs and fulfilling the criteria for joining the EU and NATO. The paper delves into the main challenges for implementing such reforms, their main elements, and their relationship, all of which were discussed during the conference. Particular attention was paid to achieving and maintaining the country’s macroeconomic stability during military operations and identifying the main programs essential for revitalising Ukraine's economy. Furthermore, the paper presents successful cases of reform implementation at the micro level in state institutions.
Results and Conclusions:
Following the conference, a program document on the directions for the restoration and development in Ukraine was drafted. It pointed out the critical need for unity between European countries and the USA in supporting Ukraine and providing timely aid. In Ukraine, achieving unity between the government and business regarding the de-shadowing of the economy, reform of the tax system, customs service, and administration of basic taxes and fees emerged as an issue. This should create prerequisites for the inflow of investments into the Ukrainian economy, ultimately reducing the gap with European countries.
Vincentas Rolandas Giedraitis, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova, Erstida Ulvidienė, Andrew Jorgenson
Mitigating the shadow: Exploring taxes as solutions (англ. мовою)
Nations attempt to attract major enterprises to their territories by implementing lower tax rates while simultaneously enhancing tax collection efficiency within their jurisdictional boundaries. In this study, we scrutinize the correlation between the Baltic countries’ tax systems and the levels of the shadow economy inherent to their respective economic landscapes. Our analysis indicates that tax reform can substantially influence diminishing the corporate shadow economy within a society. More specifically, our research delves into how economic growth can mitigate the corporate shadow economy, primarily driven by shifts in tax collections within Lithuania. Utilizing quarterly data from 2002 to 2022, we use panel regression and causality analyses as the overall analytical approach. The analyses uncover a complex relationship between various effective taxes and the extent of the shadow economy. Notably, we find that while an increase in the effective income tax rate is associated with a growing shadow economy, an uptick in the effective corporate income tax rate has the opposite effect, reducing its scale. Additionally, a rise in the effective VAT rate is linked to an expanded shadow economy. However, the influence of these effective taxes on imports has limited significance in regulating the scope of the shadow economy, likely due to increased tax evasion incentives. Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of how tax reform can impact the shadow economy and underscores the need for more comprehensive strategies to address this issue.
Danylo Krasovytskyi, Andriy Stavytskyy
Predicting Mortgage Loan Defaults Using Machine Learning Techniques (англ. мовою)
Mortgage default prediction is always on the table for financial institutions. Banks are interested in provision planning, while regulators monitor systemic risk, which this sector may possess. This research is focused on predicting defaults on a one-year horizon using data from the Ukrainian credit registry apply-ing machine-learning methods. This research is useful for not only academia but also policymakers since it helps to assess the need for implementation of macroprudential instruments. We tested two data balancing techniques: weighting the original sample and synthetic minority oversampling technique and compared the results. It was found that random forest and extreme gradient-boosting decision trees are better classifiers regarding both accuracy and precision. These models provided an essential balance between actual default precision and minimizing false defaults. We also tested neural networks, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines with linear kernels, and decision trees, but they showed similar results to logistic regression. The result suggested that real gross domestic product (GDP) growth and debt-service-to-income ratio (DSTI) were good predictors of default. This means that a realistic GDP forecast as well as a proper assessment of the borrower’s DSTI through the loan history can predict default on a one-year horizon. Adding other varia-bles such as the borrower’s age and loan interest rate can also be beneficial. However, the residual maturity of mortgage loans does not contribute to default probability, which means that banks should treat both new borrowers equally and those who nearly repaid the loan
T.Karpavicius, A. Stavytskyy, V. Giedraitis, E. Ulvidienė, G.Kharlamova, B.Kavaliauskaite
What Determines the Crime Rate? A Macroeconomic Case Study (англ. мовою)
Economies 2024, 12(9), 250; https://doi.org/10.3390/economies12090250
This study examines the relationship between economic indicators and crime rates in six European countries: Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Finland and Sweden. By examining macroeconomic factors such as GDP, security spending and per capita consumption, the study aims to understand how these variables affect crime dynamics. Using robust econometric techniques, including panel regression with fixed effects, the study identifies significant correlations and patterns. The findings reveal that the crime rate has a high degree of inertia and is significantly influenced by the previous level. Contrary to expectations, increased per capita consumption is associated with higher crime rates, which may indicate that wealthier societies are experiencing an increase in economic crime. Furthermore, higher spending on security does not necessarily reduce crime, suggesting that types of crime evolve as detection capabilities improve. This study highlights the complexity of the nexus between crime and the economy, highlighting the need for multifaceted, long-term policies to effectively combat crime and increase public safety. The results offer valuable insights for policymakers to develop comprehensive crime prevention and economic development strategies.
A. Stavytskyy
Global Power Shifting Tendencies Influenced by the Conflict’s Outcome: Regional and Global Implications (англ. мовою)
In: Nate, S. (eds) Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction. Contributions to Security and Defence Studies. Springer, Cham. P. 1-14 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66434-2_1
The initiation of military operations by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022 sparked a full-scale war in Europe, impacting the global economy and geopolitical dynamics. This chapter delves into the underlying factors that ignited the conflict, with a particular focus on Russia’s historical inclination towards expansion through warfare, its reliance on resource exports, and military capabilities, and its response to technological changes. The modern world’s decreasing reliance on resources in favour of technological development poses a challenge to resource-rich countries like Russia, leading to efforts to maintain dominance through military aggression. Russia’s economic dependence on resource exports, particularly energy, exacerbates its vulnerability to global market shifts. Understanding the multifaceted drivers of conflict is essential for addressing geopolitical tensions and fostering global stability. Mitigating the risk of future conflicts requires strategic diplomacy, economic diversification, and technological innovation to navigate evolving geopolitical landscapes.
A. Stavytskyy, G.Kharlamova
SDGs Realization for the Renovation of Ukraine (англ. мовою)
In: Nate, S. (eds) Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction. Contributions to Security and Defence Studies. Springer, Cham. P. 31-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66434-2_3
The chapter explores the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and its integration into the European and global economy. It emphasizes the need for strategic planning to achieve peace and outlines steps for sustainable development until 2030. The paper discusses the necessity of rapid reforms to modernize the economy, prioritize clean and resource-efficient practices, and address environmental risks. Special attention is given to the management of post-war waste and the adoption of new principles for resource processing. The importance of harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with EU standards is highlighted, with a focus on reforms necessary for EU accession. The paper outlines a roadmap for achieving Sustainable Development Goals post-war. Key challenges include geopolitical shifts, the duration of the conflict, and the need for significant financial assistance. The chapter concludes with the potential for Ukraine to become a regional economic centre in case of SDG implementation with EU support and substantial financial aid for post-war recovery and integration.
A. Dligach, A. Stavytskyy
Resilience Factors of Ukrainian Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Business (англ. мовою)
Economies 2024, 12(12), 319; https://doi.org/10.3390/economies12120319
Nowadays, businesses in Ukraine face new challenges that the world has never experienced before. Earlier, during the war, countries had to curtail their economic activities, everything operated for the sake of military needs. However, now, within hybrid wars, the country’s economy and its actors have to demonstrate rapid adaptive models and changes in strategies, and sometimes function without strategies at all. Advanter Group conducted a survey of 696 Ukrainian enterprises in the period from 20 December 2023 to 8 January 2024 (a year of full-scale aggression); a direct questionnaire method was used. Key hypotheses (10 hypotheses) regarding the resilience factors of Ukrainian businesses during the period of the full-scale invasion were tested using statistical analysis methods. Statistically significant differences were established in various aspects of the functioning of SMBs. Based on the research, it is concluded that reforms in the legal sphere, aimed at facilitating conditions for business and protecting the rights of enterprises, are an urgent necessity for the further development of the economy of Ukraine. Practical recommendations arising from the research are presented, including reducing the level of uncertainty for business, revising the tax system, creating incentives for the development of SMBs, and increasing the transparency and stability of the conditions for resource mobilization. Several key principles of the national policy aimed at facilitating conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and anti-corruption are also suggested.
A. Stavytskyy
Risks of Nuclear Threats in Modern War (англ. мовою)
In: Cirstoiu, FC., Juc, V., Pop, C., Min, P., Barna, C. (eds) Medical Response Strategy in Case of Radiation Emergency Caused by the War in Ukraine. NATO 2023. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics. Springer, Dordrecht. pp 95–102. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-2266-5_9
The war in Ukraine has become one of the largest military conflicts since World War II. It has heightened concerns about the potential for either controlled or uncontrolled radiation contamination over a wide area. Currently, it can be stated that the war is fought primarily with the use of conventional weapons. Despite the calls of certain journalists and semi-officials in the Russian Federation to launch nuclear strikes on Ukraine or NATO countries, no movements towards such actions have been observed so far. Furthermore, it is important to state that the use of nuclear weapons in general will not solve the underlying causes of the conflict, therefore, the probability of their use appears to be quite low in this particular war.