Last updated: 22.01.2025
22.01.2025 The page of the discipline "Applied microeconomics", lectures of the discipline have been updated, and the electronic journal of the discipline has been launched.
7.10.2018 A new site "Microeconometrics" is opened.
1.02.2016 A reconstructed version of the site optimazed for mobile devices is opened. Please, report errors here.
A Happy New Year! >>.
All information about Andriy Stavyskyy, contact information, social networks and more.
Publications, conferences, meetings, texts of articles and abstracts.
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The purpose of the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts is to provide a pool of expertise in order to promote reforms and enhance progress in Higher Education in Ukraine and therefore participate in the development of policies and reforms in Higher Education in Ukraine. Presentations, speeches and research of HERE member.
On the basis of mutual agreement between the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of the Educational Sciences of Ukraine, the British Council in Ukraine, the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education starts Higher Education Leadership Development Programme. Aim of the Programme – to assist reform in the sector of higher education through universities leadership development in Ukraine. Forty universities of Ukraine will be involved in the Programme during 3 years (2015 – 2017).
If you want to order a course teaching, offer participation in research projects, consultations etc, the easiest way to do it online.
Annual parameters of scientific activity (only in Ukrainian)
Legendary course for the real economic cybernetics students. Professional work with MS Office, development of information systems using VBA, economic analysis, forecasting, optimization problems, database processing, presentation of results, and much more! Only in Ukrainian!
The combination of microeconomic and VBA provides a powerful tool for creating simulation models in microeconomic calculations. How individual decision affect the economic system, how external shocks can change the equlibrium in the market, how to work in markets with asymmetric information? These questions and answers niches this course. Only in Ukrainian!
Econometric modeling is widely used in various economic studies. Today it is not possible to provide modern economic research without using of econometric models. The course investigates classical econometric methods, including regression approaches to forecast at the macro and micro levels, methods of model estimation, checking their adequacy, opportunity to apply them in practice. Only in Ukrainian!
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of how the market economy functions: what its strengths and weaknesses are; how all the different parts of the economy relate to each other through the market mechanism; and what we as a society can do to modify this market mechanism to serve us better.
This course is a further investigation into econometric methods and techniques. It is particularly useful for students intending to undertake empirical analysis in their master thesis or research projects, for those who consider entering into employment involving numerical analysis.
This course is a further investigation into econometric methods and techniques. It is particularly useful for students intending to undertake empirical analysis in their master thesis or research projects, for those who consider entering into employment involving numerical analysis. Only in Ukrainian!
Econometric modeling is widely used in various economic studies. Today it is not possible to provide modern economic research without using of econometric models. The course investigates classical econometric methods, including regression approaches to forecast at the macro and micro levels, methods of model estimation, checking their adequacy, opportunity to apply them in practice. Only in Ukrainian!
Course deepens knowledge obtained in Econometrics and Applied Econometrics. The use of computer software for forecasting economic data is under main stress during the course. The task of the course is to develop analytical and practical skills for forecasting economic data. Only in Ukrainian!
Course investigates different methods of economic analysis for economic forecasting. The main task of the course is to study how to choose the best model for each time series. Regression approaches, smoothing methods, trend models, ARIMA, GARCH-models, switching regime models, VAR-models, expert forecasting are under consideration in the course. Only in Ukrainian!
The course contained theoretical information about combinatorics, foundations of theory of probabilities, parameter estimation, testing statistical hypotheses, regression and variance analysis, time series analysis. The main focus of the course is solving practical problems. Only in Ukrainian!
Course investigates different methods of economic analysis for financial forecasting. The main task of the course is to study how to choose the best model for each financial time series. Regression approaches, smoothing methods, trend models, ARIMA, GARCH-models, switching regime models, VAR-models, expert forecasting are under consideration in the course. Only in Ukrainian!
Microeconomics examines how different individual and firm decisions affect the supply and demand for goods and services, which determine prices, and how prices, in turn, determine the quantity of supplied and demanded goods and services. Base models for equilibrium in different markets are analysed. Only in Ukrainian!
Econometric modeling is widely used in various economic studies. Today it is not possible to provide modern economic research without using of econometric models. The course investigates classical econometric methods, including regression approaches to forecast at the macro and micro levels, methods of model estimation, checking their adequacy, opportunity to apply them in practice. Only in Ukrainian!
This course of lectures analyses modern trends in higher education in Ukraine and in the world, the implications of the Law of Ukraine on Higher Education. Only in Ukrainian!
Quantitative methods are widely used in various economic works. The modern investigation is almost impossible without the use of statistic or econometric models. Studying the course "Quantitative methods" provides students with the skills of creative thinking, develops the ability to analyse economic phenomena, find the relationship between them. Teaching methods combine lectures with work on computers. Such activity involves the practical application of acquired skills to solve a variety of econometric and statistical problems.
The supervision of course and diploma works, requirements for their writing process, assessment criteria. Only in Ukrainian!