Stavytskyy A.V.
Analysis and Forecast of Balance of Payments
Transformation problems of economic systems, - 1996, P. 100-104.
On the basis of exponential smoothing and Holt-Winters model forecasts of balance of payments are made. Correlation of the main macroeconomic parameters is investigated.
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
The Definition of the Most Efficient Current Rate of Exchange for Foreign Trade Activities
Banking, - 1997, №6. - P. 51-54.
Taking into account export and import figures, the authors analyse the Ukrainian currency market; propositions are made as to the possibilities of finding the most efficient rate of exchange, which would stimulate the increase of the country's trade turnover. The problem of real value of the national currency is under consideration.
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Optimal allocation in stratified sampling with convex function
Visnyk KNDU, - 1997, №39, P. 77-92.
Authors are dealing with finding optimal sample sizes in stratified selection. They propose a new general sampling design to get estimators having minimal variance with fixed costs or with minimal costs and fixed variance. This problem is in the limelight of author’s investigation.
Chernyak O.I., Ivanik N.M., Stavytskyy A.V.
Methodology of Calculation of Balance of Payments Forecast (in Ukrainian)
Herald of the National Bank of Ukraine. - 1997, №12. -P.42-44.
A balance of payments (BOP) is known to be one of endogenous factors of the financial programming model. The BOP forecast is used to work out the economic development strategy, the main directions of the monetary policy, priority tasks of the trade policy, a strategic plan for the banking system development and the state investment policy. Results of the BOP forecast determine the amount and sources of the external financing needs. The present paper deals with a methodology of the BOP forecast calculation on the basis of which the forecast for the first six months of the 1999 has been produced.
Chernyak O.I., Ivanik N.M., Stavytskyy A.V.
Methodology of Calculation of Balance of Payments Forecast
Herald of the National Bank of Ukraine. Digest. - 1999, №4. - P.42-46.
A balance of payments (BOP) is known to be one of endogenous factors of the financial programming model. The BOP forecast is used to work out the economic development strategy, the main directions of the monetary policy, priority tasks of the trade policy, a strategic plan for the banking system development and the state investment policy. Results of the BOP forecast determine the amount and sources of the external financing needs. The present paper deals with a methodology of the BOP forecast calculation on the basis of which the forecast for the first six months of the 1999 has been produced.
Himich T. V., Stavytskyy A.V.
Index Analysis of Ukrainian economy
Herald of the National Bank of Ukraine. Digest. - 1999, №4. - P.42-46.
One of the most difficult problems of financial sphere of Ukrainian economy in 1998 was definition of macroeconomic parameters in 1999. As far as GDP, inflation, exchange rate, export and import of goods, budget policy are correlated it is very difficult to forecast them. The authors suggest introducing new indices, which can define economic measure economic changes.
Chernyak O. I., Stavytskyy A.V., Kornienko E.S.
New Approaches to Forecasting the Balance of Payments of Ukraine
Social and Political Sciences in the Commonwealth of Independent States. - 1999, P.272-272.
Two new ways of forecasting the balance of Payments of Ukraine are proposed. They are built of filter method of Hodrick–Prescott and take into account the real economic cycles.
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Smoothing Methods of Economic Information
Economic Cybernetics: methodology problems and specialists preparing. The 5th All Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Conference - Kyiv, 7-8 Dec., 1990. - P.123-137.
The methods of choosing constants for exponential smoothing methods are investigated.
Ivanik N.M., Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
The analysis of Economic Situation in Ukraine by Means of Indices
Banking, - 2000, №1. - P. 7-13.
The authors consider determining the macroeconomic parameters for the coming years to be the main problem for Ukrainian economics. They propose that the calculation of the new indices should be introduced which will determine the effective exchange rate with the changes in macroeconomic policy.
Stavytskyy A.V.
New ways of forecasting
Visnyk KNU: Economics.– №44. – P. 67-71.
The article dwells on the problem of considering all possibilities to combine existing statistical methods and expert judgements. The author tries to analyse their advantages and drawbacks, makes an attempt to create some general system of forecasting the time series, which represent macroeconomic variables.
Chernyak O.I., Voronova L.V., Stavytskyy A.V.
New Possibilities of Exponential Smoothing
Banking, - 2000, №3. - P. 27-32.
A new approach to select the constant in exponential smoothing is investigated. The fact is that the optimal constant can be predicted on the base of past observations. Forecasts of some articles of the Balance of Payments are made.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Principles of Selecting Model for Forecasting
Visnyk KNU. - 2000, №44, P. 67-71.
Central banks of all countries need to have sound systems for acquiring, sharing, and analysing economic and financial data so that they can respond quickly to unforeseen developments and steer monetary policy to achieve its objectives. This analysis is to be based on judgement, mathematical, econometrical, statistical models of the economy. This work deals with the development of principles, which facilitate to choose the optimal model for NBU
Chernyak O.I., Voronova L.V., Stavytskyy A.V.
Export and Import Forecasting
Economics and Forecasting. - №2. - P. 96-109.
The work deals with methods of forecasting and analysing the Balance of payments of Ukraine. The comparing of statistical methods is discussed, which were developed for the National Bank of Ukraine. For all methods the forecasts on 2000 are proposed.
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Statistical forecasting of the balance of pay­ments of Ukraine
Stochastic Processes. – Vol. 7 (23). – 2001. – №1-2. – P. 53-73.
Econometrists try to use only that information, which has some economic sense and the usage of which can be explained by economic theory. Statisticians use any information, which may not concern economy. Experts can produce forecasts using their judgments and information that they intuitively decide to be important for forecasting. The main goal of all ways is creating final model for forecasting. Sometimes econometrics can't explain and follow great structural changes in economy. That's why most of econometric models are not capable to produce rather useful forecasts with minor errors. As far as statistical way is concerned it should be noted that time series analysis is one of its main parts. Nowadays it is popular direction for forecasting. The fact is there are many economic variables, which are represented by time series. It can be mentioned that hundreds of researchers developed new methods of analysing time series.Judgmental methods are not developed sufficiently, but referring to experts is very often needed, especially in transition economies.
We'd like to show the application of some methods for forecasting the Balance of Payments of Ukraine, procedures of selecting necessary methods and the results obtained by us. This work is fulfilled by the order of the National Bank of Ukraine and it is supported by NBU and TEMPUS-TACIS JEP No 10353-97.
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Methodology of defining economic security of Ukraine
Economic security, intelligence and counterintelligence. – 2002. –№1. – P. 3-7.
The method of estimating economic security level of Ukraine is investigated. The main idea is creating a special dynamic retying on the basis of different indices. Changes in such level are analysed.
Chernyak O.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Experience of developing informational system of forecasting of incomes and loses of enterprises in Ukraine
Developing problems of intereconomics links and drawing foreign investments: regional aspect. – 2003. – Vol. 3. – P. 704-706.
A new informational system for forecasting incomes and loses of enterprises of Ukraine was developed on Economic Cybernetics Department of Kyiv National University. It was ordered by Ministry of Economics and European Integration of Ukraine. The main advantages of this system are investigated.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Application of Technical Means While Delivering the Course "Time Series"
Global integration of graduate programmes GIGP 2003. – 2003. – P. 188-191.
The course Time Series is delivered to students according to teaching plans of new specialisation “Applied Economics”. The matter is that students have to acquire the set of advanced time series models and methods, realize how to apply these methods to real life problems (especially to economic ones) and to study modern time series software. A great set of technical tools was used for achieving such a goal. First of all the problem of correlation between theory and practice is solved by delivering lectures on computer with video projectors using a number of diagrams and graphs. Secondly, an electronic handbook was provided to students. The structure of computer seminars is also under consideration because of their extreme importance. The realization of the final project will help to check up the level of student’s proficiency, skills and abilities. The problem of combining these methods while delivering lectures and seminars, their advantages and drawbacks is being investigated.
Stavytskyy A.V., Nikolaychuk S.A.
Using GARCH-models for forecasting volatility of PFTS Index
This article is devoted to the basic methods of the GARCH-modelling and possibilities for Ukrainian stock market forecasting are analysed (on basis of PFTS-index). Also attention is given to the testing of dissymetric effect existing and reality of relation between expected return and desired variance (riskiness). The result of research is the choice of the best model for return and volatility of PFTS-index forecasting.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Creating and applying econometric models for forecasting inflation in Ukraine
Working Papers of NDFI. – №3 (32). – 2005. – P. 79–88.
There is quite a unique situation in Ukraine, when the absolute number of approved models in the world economy do not give fruitful results. One needs developing new models, which can predict inflation level for midterms. The goal of the work is creating econometric model, which would be adapted to Ukrainian peculiarities, and forecasting inflation level for 2006.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Approaches to analysis of the fiscal policy in Ukraine (for 1998-2004).
Finances of Ukraine. – №2. – 2006. – P. 91-100.
This work presents a suggested model of calculating Laffer points of the first and second orders for Ukrainian economy. On the basis of obtained results the optimal values for tax rates for 1998-2004 were evaluated. The accordance between real tax rates and model rates for different taxes is analysed.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The Peculiarities of Budget Investment in Conditions of Modern Ukraine.
Finances of Ukraine. – №4. – 2006. – P. 46-54.
Scientific, practical basis and law standards for budget investments in Ukraine were profoundly analysed in the work under consideration. Certain drawbacks of existing normative documents were displayed. The authors’ definition of budget investments was suggested.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Perspectives of developing budget modelling in Ukraine
Visnyk KNU. - 2006, №83, P. 22-25.
Economic development of any country strongly depends on investment level in reproduction process. This work deals with aims and principles of modelling developing budgets. The questions and problems of regional developing budgets in Ukraine are also under investigation.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Evaluation of social direction of the budget
Working Papers of NDFI. - №1 (34). - 2006. - P. 55-66.
The work deal with social direction of Ukrainian budgets for 2001-2004. A monitoring system for social expenses is proposed.
Kochkina N.Y., Stavytskyy A.V.
Problems of Sampling Planning In International Market Research
Marketing in Ukraine. – №3 (37). – 2006. – P. 57-60.
The article is devoted to the problems of sampling planning in international consumer markets' research. The typical problems of planning such research are analyzed. The comparable analysis of different methods for sampling obtaining is carried out; the conclusion concerning their application in international marketing research is made.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Analysis of the Influence of State Monetary Policy for Ukrainian Region's Development
Theoretical and Applied Questions of Economics. - №10. - 2006. - P. 52-58.
The article deals with analysis of the influence of monetary policy for economic development of Ukrainian regions. On the basis of correlation analysis the dependences between regional development parameters and monetary aggregates is defined.
Stavytskyy A.V., Nikolaychuk S.A.
Modelling and Forecasting of Inflation in Ukraine
Visnyk of the State Finance Academy. – 2006, №10. – P. 390-401.
The transition to inflation targeting demands from central banks understanding inflation dynamics and successful forecasting its future path. There are a number of theoretical models of inflation in scientific literature. However in spite of this the issues of these models quality are still the object of interest. In the light of inflation targeting adoption in Ukraine the purpose of this paper is to fill the niche, comparing out-of-sample forecasting performances to determine the factors, which have an influence on the inflation dynamics. Models exploited in research have some theoretical foundation and satisfy the requirements of time series models.
Stavytskyy A.V., Hom'yak V.R.
Modelling of influence of monetary base increasing on macroeconomic parameters of Ukraine
Models that show the influence of monetary base on main macroeconomic parameters are described. The modern Ukrainian economic is under consideration on the basis of models. Main tendencies in monetary sphere are forecasted. The tendencies of monetary base increasing during 2007 are analysed.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Problems in analyzing tax system of Ukraine
Collection of scientific works. - Part 2. - Kyiv, 2006. - P.66-71.
Possible ways of analysis of effectiveness and modelling tax policy in Ukraine are investigated.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Modern Approaches to the Assessment of Economic Development of Ukrainian Regions by Production Functions
Finances of Ukraine. – №12. – 2006. – P. 61-72.
The article deals with the investigation of the influence of capital and labour factors on Ukrainian regional economic development by modified Cobb-Douglas models. The state of regional problems has been analysed and a new methodological approach of monitoring for Ukrainian regional development has been proposed.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The definition of optimal tax rates in Ukraine on the basis of production functions
This article deals with interdependences between economic growth and tax revenues. Among different types of taxes two of them are analysed: Value Added Tax and revenues to Pension Fund. The VAR-models are applied in process of the analysis.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Middle-term planning of budget expenses distribution for economic activity
Working Papers of NDFI. - №4 (37). - 2006. - P. 12-18.
The work deals with perspectives of financing expenses for economic activity under development of State budget for 2008. The necessity of involving complex long-term programs in transport, energetic and agriculture branches is displayed.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Investigation of Interdependences between Tax Revenues and Main Macroeconomic Parameters on the Basis of VAR-models
Visnyk KNU: Economics. - №91. – 2007. – P.28-31.
This article deals with interdependences between economic growth and tax revenues. Among different types of taxes two of them are analysed: Value Added Tax and revenues to Pension Fund. The VAR-models are applied in process of the analysis.
Chornous G.O., Stavytskyy A.V.
Sluzky Equation in Modern Microeconomics
In E. Sluzky. Acknowledgement. Creative Heritage for the Present-Day Point of View / Edited by Prof. V.Bazylevich. – Кyiv, 2007. – 919 p. (PP.121-141).
The work deals analysis of Sluzky Equation in modern microeconomics. The Sluzky and Hiks approaches are compared.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The investigation of investment influence on economic growth in Ukraine by econometric analysis
Working Papers of NDFI. - №1 (38). - 2007. - P. 49-55.
The material of the article suggested touches upon the problem of interdependence between economic growth and different types of investment. For the analysis presented regression models were used.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Modelling of Investment Influence on the Level of Average Wages
Herald of the Donbass State Engineering Academy.- №1 (7). - 2007. - P. 249-255.
In the article suggested the influence of different types of investments on average level of wages is analyzed. The positive influence of all types of investments is demonstrated. It should be noted that at present the most effective investments are made from local budgets though their value is considerably small.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Econometric Research of the Influence of Budget Expenses for Economic Growth
The article deals with the complex of economic-mathematical models, which are applied for the investigation of influence of some kinds of budget expenses for economic growth considering changes in Ukrainian economic system during the last years.
Stavytskyy A.V., Hom'yak V.R.
The Influence of Monetary Policy on Ukrainian Economic Security
Different approaches for determining and estimating economic security are described in the article. The main risks for Ukrainian economic security in monetary sphere by expert and author’s methods are defined. The recommendations for increasing Ukrainian economic security by monetary factors are proposed.
Kochkina N.Yu., Stavytskyy A.V.,
Estimation of the advertising effectiveness: the methods of defining the customer information
Herald of the Academy of Labour and Social Relations of Ukrainian Trade Unions.– №5 (42). – 2007. – P. 42-48.
The article is devoted to elaborating the algorithm of defining the advertising effectiveness aimed at customer informing. The criteria of ad effectiveness are analyzed, the methodology of receiving and analyzing the information concerning the ad effect is considered. The specific features of mathematical statistics methods' application for estimating the economic effectiveness of the advertising are reflected.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Necessity of Creating Monitoring System For Economic Security of Ukraine
Productive Forces and Regional Economics. – Vol. 1. – 2007. – P. 137-142.
The article deals with ways for creating monitoring system, which can be used for analyzing level of Ukrainian economic security.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Modelling of Cycling Economic Growth in Ukriane
The problem of cyclic development in the economic system is really actual due to considerable inter-influence between economies of different countries. Governments are interested in overcoming peak cycles because crises as well as economic overheating lead to unfavourable consequences. The authors made an attempt to analyse the development of Ukrainian economy during 1996-2006. On the basis of economic and mathematical models the periodicity of cycle development is realized and cycle phases are determined at a certain period.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Econometric Investigation of Interrelation between Investments and Economic Security of Ukraine
Working Papers of NDFI. - №4 (41), 2007. - P. 75-80.
The work deals with econometric models, which investigate the influence of different types of investments on unemployment level in Ukraine.
Kochkina N.Yu., Stavytskyy A.V.,
Problems of Defining the Product Demand On the International Markets
Visnyk KNU. Economics. - №101, 2008. – P. 49-51.
The article is devoted to the problems of defining the product demand in international consumer markets' research. The typical problems of planning and carrying out such research and processing the data received have been analyzed. The main ways of solving those problems have been shown on the illustrative examples.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Ukrainian Tax Policy
Taxing: Scientific and Practical Problems. - Kharkiv. - 2008. - P. 39-58.
The analysis of tax policy using Laffer curve is conducted.
Stavytskyy A.V., Zatonatska T.G.
The Development of the Information System “Forecasting of Inflation”
Modelling and information systems in economics. – №77, 2008. - P. 229-239.
The article deals with information system for forecasting of inflation, which is developed on the basis of econometric methods. The system is realized as a module for MS Excel 2003, therefore it can be adapted easily for work with majority of computers. The main parts of the system are presented.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Cycling of Regional Socio-economic Development in Ukraine
The work deals with the problem of possible classification of Ukrainian regions according to cycles of their socio-economic development. On the basis of average salary, which is of one of main parameters that characterizes regional development, two-stage cycle has been identified. The analysis of results received has been conducted and some recommendations for stabilization of regional development are proposed.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Modelling of Cycles in World Economy
The work deals with one of the methods for identification phases of business cycles for Ukraine and the most developed countries of the world. The tendency for smoothing out cycles among countries is demonstrated.
Stavytskyy A.V., Konoplyastyy A.V.
Defining of Monetary Policy on Economic Security of Ukraine
The article deals with the detailed analysis of factors of monetary influence on economic security in Ukraine, a new method is offered for determination the most strong of them. Using monetary aggregates M0, M1, M2, M3, level of monetary economy, discount rate of NBU, interest rate of credits and deposits authors propose the models for estimation the influence of monetary factors on economic security.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The Investment Component of Ukrainian Economic Security
Working Papers of NDFI. - №3 (44), 2008. - P. 92-99.
The article deals with influence of investment activity on the main parameters of socio-economic activity in Ukraine and its economic security level. The effectiveness of the state, local, enterprise and foreign investments is analyzed using econometric models.
Stavytskyy A.V., Nedashkovska D.Yu.
The Defining of the Influence of Monetary Aggregates on Ukrainian Economic Security
Productive Forces and Regional Economics. - Part 1. - Kyiv: 2008. - P. 134-143.
The work deals with developed by authors methodic for calculating index of economic security of Ukraine. On its basis the influence of monetary aggregats on the level of economic security and its components is defined. The classification of such influence is conducted. The positive effect of increasing monetary aggregates in long-term period is investigated.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The Influence Of Budget Policy On Economic Security And Socio-Economic Development Of The Ukraine (англ. мовою).
The consolidation of economic security of the state, its protection against all external threats should become one of the main directions in realization of budget expenses in short-term and in long-term prospects. According to this conception budget expenses are to finance top-priority components of economic security.
Some theoretical and methodological approaches concerning the analysis of the influence of budget instruments on parameters of economic security and socio-economic development of the country are suggested.
For conducting this investigation certain econometric models with the best functional forms have been selected and analysed. The most important instruments in budget policy such as state buying, expenses for fundamental investigations, expenses for economic development and expenses for social sphere have been considered under condition of Ukrainian economy. The influence of above-mentioned instruments on certain parameters that characterize the economic security of the state has been worked out in detail. As a result of the investigation the main threats for Ukrainian economic security have been formulated and the ways out have been proposed on the basis of economic methods of the budget policy at the present stage of its development.
In the process of investigation the authors admit that almost all budget instruments have a positive influence on the level of Ukrainian economic security. It stimulates economic development and increase of social living standards of the population.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Economic-mathematical modelling of the influence of social expenses for investment increasing
The article deals with the investigation of the influence of social expenses on increasing investment level in Ukraine during the last years. It is defined that the increase of social expenses leads to increasing investments with a year lag. It demands clear planning of the socialization level of the budget in mid-term period.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Genesis of the State Function for the Provision of Economic Security
Theoretical and Applied Questions of Economics. - №20. - 2009. - P. 62-67.
The paper analyzes the development of ideas concerning the implementation of economic security in the country. Particular attention is paid to investigating the role of the state in regulating the level of economic security under different economic systems.
Kochkina N.Yu.,Stavytskyy A.V.
Estimation of the Advertising Effectiveness: the Methods of Defining the Customer Loyalty
Visnyk KNU. Economics. - №110, 2009. – P. 18-23.
The article is devoted to elaborating the algorithm of defining the advertising effectiveness aimed at forming the customer preference. The criteria of ad effectiveness are analyzed, the methodology of receiving and analyzing the information concerning the ad effect is considered. The specific features of mathematical statistics methods' application for estimating the economic effectiveness of the advertising are reflected.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Stages of Long-term Forecasting
Scientific and technical information. – №2 (40).– 2009. – P. 19-22.
The socio-economic development of the state demands working out that the strategy, which must be based on long-term forecasting of economic parameters. In the article the parts of the algorithm are being analysed, which gives the possibility to obtain the most accurate forecasts
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Problems of Ukrainian Economy in conditions of Global Financial and Economic Crisis
The Priorities of Ukrainian Financial Policy at The Present Stage Of Socio-Economic Development. - Part 1. - 2009. – P.38-43.
The socio-economic development of the state demands working out that the strategy, which must be based on long-term forecasting of economic parameters. In the article the parts of the algorithm are being analysed, which gives the possibility to obtain the most accurate forecasts.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Role of External Influence on Transmission Mechanism in Ukraine
Working Papers of NDFI. – №2(51). – 2010. – P.87-93.
Applying the instrument of Vector autoregressive models (VAR) the work investigates the problem of the influence of external factors on the levels of consumption and prices. The results obtained prove that the level of consumption reacts to the shock in the monetary policy. The largest influence is expected in 3-4 quarters after the corresponding shock. It is proved that the essential influence of the transmission mechanism is realized by Fed funds rate.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Stages of Long-term Forecasting
STI. - 2009. - №2. – P. 19-22.
The socio-economic development of the state demands working out that the strategy, which must be based on long-term forecasting of economic parameters. In the article the parts of the algorithm are being analysed, which gives the possibility to obtain the most accurate forecasts.
Stavytskyy A.V., Hom'yak V.R.
The Effectiveness of Monetary Transmission Mechanism In Ukraine
Finances of Ukraine. – №7. – 2010. – P. 50-58.
The article deals with analysis and formalization of existing interrelations in the monetary transmission mechanism. It was proposed the loss function as indicator of efficiency and stability for the monetary transmission mechanism. The conclusions lead to an idea of introducing targeting inflation policy in Ukraine.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The influence of social expenditures on parameters of economic development of the country
World of Finance. – №2. – 2010. – P. 26-32.
The influence of social expenditures on economic growth is investigated. It is proved that some social expenditures slow down the economic growth in the short-term period.
Stavytskyy A.V.,Zatonatska T.G.
The Evaluation of the Influence of a Political Factor for Economic Growth in Ukraine
The article deals with the complex of economic-mathematical models, which are applied for the investigation of the influence of some kinds of budget expenses for economic growth considering changes in Ukrainian economic system during the last years.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Analysis of the Relationship Between Tax Policy and the Shadow Economy of Ukraine
The article deals with the complex of economic-mathematical models, which are applied for the investigation of the influence of some kinds of budget expenses for economic growth considering changes in Ukrainian economic system during the last years.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Regional Labour Productivity as a Part of Economic Security of Ukraine
Theoretical and Applied Questions of Economics. - №25. - 2011. - P. 41-46.
The work deals with the problem of difference in labour productivity among Ukrainian regions and its influence on population income in the context of provision the economic security of the state.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
Problems And Prospects Of Innovative Development Of Ukraine
Scientific and technic information. - 2011.- № 4(50). - P. 19-24.
The paper analyzes the current situation of innovation development in Ukraine. The authors underline the drawbacks of innovation development and propose the ways for its improving using international experience.
Stavytskyy A.V.,Martynovych D.Eu.
The Econometric Modelling Of Ukrainian Macroeconomic Tendencies
Econometric models are widely used in economic policies of many states. They help to build a great variety of econometric systems for every country and take into account specifics of each economy.
In this article the structural macroeconomic models were applied that describe the main aspects of the economic policy. The interdependences between the level of inflation, the value of investment, savings, consumption, export and import transactions, taxes on the foreign trade were defined based on the analysis of key macroeconomic parameters of Ukraine. After investigating all economic indicators, they were transformed into stationary time series for correct use in the model. In addition, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation of residuals were excluded in all econometric equations.
As a result, the research shows that a large share of black economy leads to a sufficiently high level of inflation in the state, because its value is primarily determined by expectations of the population under such circumstances. The paper indicates that further export growth leads to lower consumption growth and lower growth of savings simultaneously. Such situation indicates insufficient development of domestic market. It was found that investment growth is not directly linked to consumption increase and economic development in general. Unfortunately, the main sources of investment in Ukraine are own funds of enterprises and foreign sources. According to the analysis there is a need to encourage public involvement in investment processes. For example, the creation of public-private partnerships is especially useful during infrastructure projects implementation.
Stavytskyy A.V.,Martynovych D.Eu.
Modelling Economic Relations of Ukraine And France Using Structural Models
State and Regions: Economics and Entrepreneurship. - 2012, №2 (65). – P. 60-66.
This paper presents the econometric models based on data 2002-2011, which give the possibility to investigate the interrelations between macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine and France.The correlations between the level of inflation, the volume of investment, savings, consumption, exports and imports operations, gross domestic product and expenditures of the public sector of Ukraine and France were under consideration. The macroeconomic analysis was performed for Ukraine and France with the help of researched models.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The problem of income inequality under the globalization
Income inequality is a growing threat to social stability of all countries. The article demonstrates the reasons for increasing income differentiation based on the analysis of economic development of the main countries. The author’s index of income inequality in Ukraine using official statistics has been calculated. It is shown that this index is almost twice bigger than the official estimation of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.
Zatonatska T.G., Stavytskyy A.V.
The Development of Forecasting Methods for Income Tax of Ukraine in the Medium-term
Visnyk KNU. Economics. - №141, 2012. – P. 66-69.
The approaches to develop methods of forecasting the income tax were researched while forming the Government budget of Ukraine. Based on foreign experience and domestic laws the method of calculating forecast charges was considered in the medium-term. A scenario approach was proposed to calculate predictive values depending on the external and internal factors for the 2013-2014 years.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Experience of Processing ECTS packages
Higher Education in Ukraine. - № 3 (Appendix 2). - Vol.1. - 2012. - P. 80-82.
The article demonstrates the importance of implementation of ECTS information packages in higher education establishments and analyses its development in Ukraine. The research shows that majority of packages doesn’t include the catalogue of academic disciplines; in such conditions the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities reduces. The paper also describes the experience of implementing the bilingual information system with catalogue of disciplines at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Luhovyi V.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
The Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe
Ped. newspaper. - 2012. - Nov. (№ 11). - P. 4.
The discussion is considered at the seminar of Higher Education Refom Experts in Budapest.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Development of Research-Based Higher Education
Higher Education of Ukraine. - 2013. – №3 (appendix 2). – P.27-30
The paper deals with the introduction of university research based education system. It will create a new level of specialists who are able to solve new and exciting challenges that will arise increasingly through sustainable technology development. The analysis of foreign experience of such education with examples of universities of Glasgow, Maastricht and Berlin was provided. The advantages and disadvantages of the new approach were investigated. It was noted that at the beginning of the transition to the new method one should significantly change the curricula, retrain teachers, and strengthen the cooperation with foreign universities.
Stavytskyy A.V., Sadovenko O.V.
Analysis And Modeling Of Social Security Index In Ukraine, Lithuania And Scandinavian Countries
Economika. - Vol. 92 (4), 2013. - P.37-53.
Social security of the country is a situation, which is positively regulated by legal norms, where the government uses all democratic management practices to maintain decent living standards and ensure the ability to meet basic needs for the development of the country and the society.
Scandinavian economic model provides a comprehensive social protection and social benefits to all segments of the community. That is why we used the comparative analysis and modelling of social security index in Ukraine, Lithuania and Scandinavian countries.
In the paper we identified a unique method for calculating the indicator of social security using three main components: income, demographic situation and labour market.
We have studied the impact of macroeconomic indicators on the level of social security, made an analogy with the Nordic countries, and determined, which model should be used for the best results to ensure the social protection of the society.
The research has shown that high tax rates combined with full public confidence in the government and transparent system of income redistribution is an important factor for the development of socially-oriented Scandinavian countries.
The regression analysis was conducted to analyse the relationship of tax revenues and social security index, the models of dependence for each country were constructed.
We have defined the basic types of taxes and their impact on the economic situation in the country. It is concluded that, in most cases, increasing tax rates should lead to negative changes in the social security of the country.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Globalization requires new education
The paper deals with the introduction of university research based education system. It will create a new level of specialists who are able to solve new and exciting challenges that will arise increasingly through sustainable technology development. The analysis of foreign experience of such education with examples of universities of Glasgow, Maastricht and Berlin was provided. The advantages and disadvantages of the new approach were investigated. It was noted that at the beginning of the transition to the new method one should significantly change the curricula, retrain teachers, and strengthen the cooperation with foreign universities.
Stavytskyy A.V., Naumova O.O
The Calculation of Investment Security in Ukraine
This article deals with the levels of investment security (IS) in EU and Ukraine, researching certain components of IS in Europe. It is shown that in Ukraine there is a lack of investments undertaken by the State and local budgets, so there is some distortion of the structure of investment in comparison with European countries.
Stavytskyy A.V., Naumova O.O
The Analysis of Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Public Investment Programs in Ukraine
University KROK scientific notes. - Series Economics. - №35. – 2014. – P. 78-85.
The paper describes the introduction of public investment programs in Ukraine. The advantages and disadvantages of various types of programs were discussed based on the international experience. Different factors researched that have a significant influence on the success of the implementation the public investment programs.
Stavytskyy A.V., Prokopenko O.O
Modelling The Food Security In Ukraine
Regional food security in Ukraine is under investigation. Food security level is estimated using the developed integral indicator that is based on food availability and accessibility. The relationship between this indicator and some macroeconomic parameters is estimated with help of the panel regression methods that allow to evaluate some specific features for each region and to summarize some general development trends.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Distance Learning Organization In Ukraine and Worldwide
Higher Education of Ukraine. - 2014. – №3 (appendix 1). – P.95-98.
This paper examines a relatively new phenomenon in educational activities - distance education. This phenomenon has a widespread support in major university centres and a strong demand of the society. Any technology education has positive aspects as well as threats that should be identified and carefully analysed. Today Ukrainian universities require immediate introduction of a new technology not only to compete with Western universities, but also for their own financial needs. This article analyses the possibilities for implementing distance education in local universities.
Stavytskyy A.V., Prokopenko O.O
An analysis of the food security dependence worldwide
Studia Securitatis.Security Studies Magazine. – Tome VIII. – No. 3, 2014. – P.136–145.
In this paper the problem of national food security is investigated.  Food security level is estimated using the developed integral indicator for 41 countries. This indicator is based on the food availability, accessibility and food safety. The relationship between this indicator and some macroeconomic parameters and its risks was estimated with help of panel regression methods that allow to evaluate some special features for each panel (country) and to summarize some general development trends.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The role of government spending for stimulating economic growth in Ukraine
Global and National Problems of Econonics. – 2014, №2. – P.1353-1359. [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://global-national.in.ua/archive/2-2014/277.pdf
The dramatic events of 2014 led to a significant decline in living standards in Ukraine, a large budget deficit. Under such circumstances, it becomes necessary to allocate limited available resources with maximum efficiency. At the same time, it should be noted that in our country the use of public funding is not always an efficient tool to support the economic growth. The paper investigates the econometric models that evaluate the effectiveness of influence of public expenditures on economic development, allowing science approach to justify the necessary changes in State budget. The analysis was carried out taking into account the structure of the expenditures and the period of their financing.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Econometric investigation of state expenditures effectiveness in Ukraine
The growth of the national economy is only possible using state-specific instruments to influence the development of country, its regions and industries. The analysis of scientific papers can offer to develop economic growth strategy with different methods. The variety of instruments raises the question of their effectiveness not only in the current period, but also in dynamics. The work deals with the method of determining the effectiveness of public capital and economic activity expenditures in terms of influence on macroeconomic indicators of the country. This effect is analysed in dynamics, it is shown how quickly the economy receives a positive or negative effect of the growth in public expenditure.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Conditions of Banking System Stabilization in Ukraine at the Current Stage
Finances of Ukraine. – №1 (230). – 2015. – P. 47-58.
The problems of Ukrainian banking sector negatively affect the entire economy of the state. Significant political and economic developments in 2014 largely determined the negative trends that raise the question not of the stability of the financial system, but the opportunity to survive and preserve its main assets. The fall in confidence, the outflow of deposits, a significant devaluation of hryvnia, GDP decreasing, increasing refinancing for banks have created extremely difficult conditions to restore the volume of deposits in banks. The work deals with the development and analysis of models to determine the most important factors that describe the household behaviour and define the time required to restore confidence to the banking system. It is shown that it is necessary at least one month of a stable exchange rate to restore volume of hryvna deposits, as foreign currency deposit volumes require 4 months.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Actual problems of higher education in Ukraine
Education and science and their role in social and industrial development of the society: Coll. Science. papers / Edited by O.V. Antoniuk - Kyiv: Logos, 2015. - 200 p. - P. 157-163.
In September 2014 in Ukraine a new Higher Education Act was activated, which significantly expanded the autonomy of the university and provided a real opportunity for unification of Ukrainian and European educational space. New rules of work should improve the quality of education, make domestic universities competitive worldwide. At the same time, the educational institutions face numerous problems of transition, which should be solved as soon as possible. The issues that require a coordinated approach for the majority of higher education universities are analysed within the paper.
Versal N.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Financial dollarization: Trojan horse for Ukraine?
The paper revisits causes and consequences of financial dollarization in Ukraine during last decade (monthly data). Dollarization in emerging markets plays a dual role: both positive and negative. The study is conducted in the field of financial dollarization in the context the banks - the households. If exchange rates are stable, the deposit dollarization allows withdrawing money from the shadow, and credit dollarization allows lending long-term money, which is not possible based on the domestic currency due to inflation expectations. At the same time, the instability and the lack of supply of foreign currency in the market lead to the collapse of household and banks finance that faces currency risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. This the reason to estimate such indicators, as DDI, households foreign currency deposits and loans, LTD, inflation etc. to find out the tendencies in context of changing domestic currency exchange rate. We present three models to reveal the influence of financial dollarization on banking stability. The first one explains the real value of domestic currency deposits through such indicators as M2 (positive), exchange rate (negative), DCD (positive) and panic effects (negative). The second one describes influence of exchange rate (negative) and panic effects (negative) on FCD. The third one explains DDI through such factors as exchange rate, M2, interest rates etc. All models combined provide information about the necessary time to stabilize Ukrainian banking system.
Zatonatska T.G., Kuzkin Ie.Yu., Stavytskyy A.V.
Prospects and preconditions of fiscal decentralization in Ukraine today
Working papers of NDFI. - 2015. - №1. - P. 5-18.
One of the priorities of fiscal policy in Ukraine in 2015 is a comprehensive reform of regional and local government, whose main goal should be to ensure regional economic growth, increased financial independence and autonomy of the local budget expenditures, improving the efficiency of public funds. The main purpose of the article is to determine the real changes in the structure of expenditures on economic activity in 2015 in terms of the government's fiscal decentralization initiative. The paper analyzes the impact of the dynamics of expenditures on the development of basic sectors of the national economy, changes in the structure of expenditures on economic activity in Ukraine in recent years. Particular attention is devoted to studying the influence of the dynamics of budget expenditures on the development of basic sectors of the national economy, restructuring expenditures on economic activity in Ukraine. Nowadays, such economic sectors as agriculture, construction, fuel and energy complex, transport have a high degree of depreciation that makes it impossible to drive economic growth.
Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed decentralization the articles provides guidelines and suggestions for improvement and acceleration of fiscal decentralization in Ukraine. The main content of the budget reform in the medium term is a decentralization of government management functions. It should provide the extension of local government possibilities to develop socio-economic transformation of regions; real increase of local budget revenues; improving the mechanism for calculating budget transfers and guarantee their exact implementation; coordination of priorities and actions of central and local authorities. The reform actions should also include public financing of socio-economic regional development.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Threats for implementation of the Law "On Higher Education in Ukraine at the present stage
Higher Education of Ukraine. - 2015. – №3 (appendix 2). – P.110-115.
The adoption of the new Law "On Higher Education in Ukraine" not only opened up opportunities for fundamental changes in the Ukrainian system of higher education, but also disclosed many problems, which demand immediate solution. The delay in implementing the new law significantly inhibits the growth of competitiveness of domestic education. The paper analyses the issues related to improving the quality of educational services and the competing activity between Ukrainian universities. In particular, the necessity to participate in international university rankings stimulates the introduction of measuring the achievements of scientists. However, it is shown that the existing approaches do not encourage high-quality research and innovation. Besides, it is noted that most universities have not worked out yet a system of effective use of training hours, which inhibits the qualitative changes in the domestic sphere of education. At the same time, student stimulation under outdated scholarship system in modern conditions is extremely inefficient. Promoting scientific staff of universities, improving the quality of higher education require institutional change in many universities.
Stavytskyy A.V.
Institutional transformation of higher education in Ukraine
Implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On higher education" requires not only a clear and concerted actions by all stakeholders, but also awareness of new threats and problems that arise in the process under the new rules. The paper analyzes the issues related to improving the quality of educational services and the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities: the problem of measuring the achievements of researchers and effective use of training hours; ways to promote the scientific development of university employees; principles of students grants and payments.
Stavytskyy A.V., Giedraitis V., Sakalauskas D., Huettinger M.
Economic Crises And Emission Of Pollutants: A Historical Review Of Select Economies Amid Two Economic Recessions
This paper investigates the historical trends in economic development through the impact of economic depressions and emissions of greenhouse gasses, namely carbon dioxide (CO2). The analysis includes four countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan. The focus, therefore, will be on the impact of two economic crises and their effect on global warming. Temperature changes in the longer period are very often regarded as a result of human activity, which can be measured by the increase of GDP (per capita). The findings indicate that GDP (per capita) parameters cannot be considered as correct measures of human pollution activity. The results show that the long-run temperature can be evaluated with the help of annual average temperatures of the previous four years. The proposed model does not only provide quite satisfactory forecasts, but is very stable with coefficients variables that can make a model more reliable for practice.
Stavytskyy A.V.

Application of The Basic Income Concept In Ukrainian Economy

Finance for the social sphere remains a great challenge in modern economy. The necessity of adequate living standards under limited resources raises a complicated problem for governments to provide appropriate distributing mechanism among the most vulnerable sections of the population. The paper analysed the concept of absolute basic income, which in some EU countries is considered as a substitution for a modern system of social security.
Inequality of incomes creates not only a social problem but it is also an obstacle in the way of economic growth. It leads to the conclusion that government should provide some strategy to avoid high inequality. The model of rational individual with certain basic income is under investigation. The analysis of the model suggests that the presence of additional income not only facilitates more effective involvement of individuals to work, but it is a sort of indisputable factor for guaranteeing freedom of individuals and increasing their mutual respect. Thus, the idea of basic income, which spreads among European countries, has not only economic, but also political and psychological components that may affect the mentality of people in future.
It is demonstrated that the transition to a new social security schemes in Ukraine can accumulate from 856 to 1020 bln. UAH in 2015 prices. It can provide guaranteed monthly payments from 1928 to 2297 UAH per capita and from 482 to 574 USD per child without changing the structure of the budget in case of replacement minimum pensions, minimum wages and full monetization of privileges. Obviously, such strategy not only would improve the efficiency of budget spending, but also produce a multiplier effect on the economy by changing and optimizing the consumption patterns of the population, increasing the competition in all markets for a real consumer. It has a chance of reducing the struggle to obtain state funds through tenders. However, the transition to the new system can be implemented only after reforms in health, education, judicial systems, monetization of most privileges.

Stavytskyy A.V.
The Institutional Problems of Implementing New Higher Education Law In Ukraine
Regional Innovations - 2, 2016. – P. 26-36.
In September 2014 in Ukraine a new Higher Education Act was activated, which significantly expanded the autonomy of the university and provided a real opportunity for unification of Ukrainian and European educational space. New rules of work should improve the quality of education, make domestic universities competitive worldwide. At the same time, the educational institutions face numerous problems of transition, which should be solved as soon as possible. Unfortunately, such transition can not be easy, because Ukrainian universities very often are not ready for providing reforms and taking a responsibility for their acts. Many scientists and administrative staff should change the mentality to guarantee successful and competitive development of their universities. The issues that require a coordinated approach for the majority of higher education universities are analysed within the investigation.
Kochkina N.Yu., Stavytskyy A.V.

Gender Factors of Social and Economic Development of a Country

The article discusses the impact of gender asymmetry on the socio-economic development of the country. Authors detected factors that determine with high level of the probability social development of the  society. Econometric relationship between the level of GDP per capita in comparative prices and the socio-cultural and gender factors are developed and estimated. The analysis showed that the level of individualism, indulgence, economic participation, and political empowerment of women in the society have direct linear correlation with GDP per capita. Power distance has opposite inverse correlation with the level of GDP. Application of regression analysis gave the possibility to divide all countries into 9 clusters with similar features. Two-dimensional matrix included GDP per capita and coefficient of implementation of a country gender and socio­cultural potential. The recommendations for stimulating economic growth by smoothing gender gaps are proposed.

Stavytskyy A.V.

Problems of Changes of Human Resources in Ukrainian Universities

Higher Education of Ukraine. - 2016, №4 (1). - P. 78-81.

A new version of the Law "On Higher Education in Ukraine" was adopted in 2014, which was aimed at introducing real autonomy of higher education institutions to create conditions for increasing competition between them. However, the absence of fundamental changes within 2 years after the reform shows that there are problems that make it impossible to develop the potential of Ukrainian universities. This means that the situation in higher education requires not just the adoption of certain regulations, but the formation of new human resources, which could use every opportunity to fully integrate our education to the world system according to an appropriate level of globalization and competition. The paper analyzes reasons for the creation the system of higher education in Ukraine, which was based on a rigid hierarchical model that eliminates the possibility of flexible management. The analysis shows that the problems in higher education in Ukraine accumulated for a long time and were not caused by local errors. They are the result of existing distribution system of financial flows, which led ultimately to a significant drop in the quality of higher education in our country. Therefore, the state should take steps to introduce new models of university management, using approaches of leadership instead of management, which must use existing human resources of universities with optimal efficiency.

Stavytskyy A.V.

Economic Background for Increasing Higher Education Quality in Ukraine

Higher Education of Ukraine. - 2016, №4 (2). - P. 57-61.

Ukraine's accession to the Bologna Process, institutional changes in the country over the past decades should have led to considerable competition between universities in Ukraine. However, implementation of the educational reforms is hard to carry out, because of bumping sometimes in opposition or misunderstanding of the logic of reforms. For this reason, National Agency for quality assurance has not been functioning for two years, new standards of higher education have not been developed yet. The analysis of the experience of similar reforms in the EU shows that the obvious problems of educational reform in Ukraine are related primarily to economic reasons, including non-competitiveness of the domestic labour market. The paper shows the conditions for forming student-centred approach in Europe, factors that may stimulate universities to improve the quality of education. At the same time the article proves that the examined factors are absent in Ukraine that significantly hinders any educational reform. The occupation of the territory, currency devaluation, high level of corruption and shadow economy, raw-export economic model, in which companies are slightly interested in unique specialists, low integration into European markets led to the formation of the economy with extremely low wages. Such situation discourages the introduction of production automation, labour saving, increase skills and qualifications, etc. It led to a general decline in higher education, depreciation of acquired knowledge and skills, discouraging the vast majority of universities to improve the quality of higher education in Ukraine. In its turn, the emphasis on the quantitative indicators of universities but on the quality of education, has led to distortions of cultural features of Ukrainian teachers and scientists that will significantly hinder their integration into the European educational space. The article touches upon the problem of necessary changes to overcome these difficulties.

Stavytskyy A.V., Basala K.O.

Economic and Mathematical Modelling Budget Investment Process in Ukraine and EU

Finance of Ukraine. - №11, 2016. - P. 94-108.

In the article the dynamics of capital expenditures was investigated in Ukraine during 2006 - 2015. Since 2011 their volume decreased gradually, and since 2013 there was a substantial decline. The authors developed and proposed their own methodology for assessing the effectiveness of capital expenditures by calculating the coefficient of efficiency for two periods: 2010 - 2012 and 2013 - 2015. When calculating this ratio one takes into account the parameter dynamics of the country and the investments of the state in different periods compared to the national average for the years 2010 -2015 and with those of other countries. The effectiveness of public investment in Ukraine remains very low and the positive trend to reduce capital expenditures and the corresponding increase their efficiency was caused by more adverse economic situation and the state budget deficit than intensifying investment. The study showed that improving efficiency in Ukraine was limited by the fact of reduced non-productive expenditure, but the impact of those expenditures that have been made has not changed. Therefore, the present government of Ukraine should continue to improve their policies in public investment, especially in planning, budgeting and controlling over their use. While calculating efficiency coefficient on the basis of inter-state comparison, one may observe a significant decrease in the efficiency of budget investment in 2013 - 2015. It should be noted that in Europe only two countries have a downward trend in efficiency growth: Ukraine and Greece. There is a large gap between Ukrainian efficiency coefficient and lowest coefficients in the EU, as the government of our country should further improve the scope of public investment to reach European levels. In particular, the efficiency coefficient in Ukraine is less than in the UK in 7 times, in Ireland – in 6 times, in Germany and Latvia – in 5 times, in Estonia – in 3.5 times, in Hungary – in 3 times.

Stavytskyy A.V., Stavytska T.Ye.

Actual problems of modern communication in Ukrainian higher education

Scientific Bulletin of Eastern European National University after Lesya Ukrainka. - №2 (304). - Volume 2. - 2016 - P. 44-50.

Globalization and technology development have caused revolutionary changes in the global educational process. Unfortunately, Ukrainian universities use the old system of education based on simple transmission of information to students and checking its study. However, in today's job market such skills are no longer decisive, and employers are looking for graduates and their future employees with good ability to express their views in writing, speaking, effectively analyse information, work with various groups, and understand the competitive environment of global knowledge. Significant problems in financing universities, poor quality of higher education, the loss of competition present new challenges for the education community. In the process of investigation it was proved that no change is often attributed to deficiencies of communication between all stakeholders, including employers, teachers and students. It is shown that the teachers should play the leading role in the reform of higher education and carry a new level of communication both on vertical and horizontal levels.

Versal N.I., Stavytskyy A.V.
Trends In Dollarization of Ukrainian Banking Sector
The article disclosed approach to the definition of dollarization of the banking sector, which means the calculation of deposit dollarization as the ratio of foreign currency deposits to local currency deposits, and loan dollarization as the ratio of foreign currency loans to local currency loans. The analysis of household deposits in local and foreign currencies for the years 2005-2016 showed that foreign currency deposits of individuals are characterized by a higher level of volatility than the local currency deposits. Calcul ation of the ratio of foreign currency loans to foreign currency deposits showed that during the investigated period it was always higher than one, even in times of crisis, indicating a steady demand of banks for foreign currency resources. The econometric model is proposed for speed estimating of individual decisions for changing amount of foreign currency deposits, which includes two main factors: volatility in exchange rates and the presence of panic among depositors. According to the model, the return of foreign currency deposits by individuals to banks is possible only in case of stability (relative stabi lity) of foreign exchange rates for four months.
Stavytskyy A.V.
The Psychological Portrait of the Participants of Ukrainian Higher Education Leadership Development Programme Based On «16 Personalities Test»

Increased global and regional competition between universities requires a new approach to generating and implementing ideas in the educational and scientific space. In today's world the role of horizontal relations at the university, the role of leadership qualities by which individuals can effectively initiate and complete related projects significantly increases. At the end of 2015 on the initiative of the British Council in Ukraine, the Institute for Higher Education in Ukraine project "Development of leadership potential of universities Ukraine" was started, devoted to the formation teams with new level of management, the activity of which is directed to the full development and engagement of individual qualities and personal ability to work in a team. The paper analyzes potential of university teams based on psychological testing. It was determined that the share of psychological types of participants differ significantly comparing with according statistics in Ukraine and Europe, noted the positive and negative aspects of such a situation.

Stavytskyy A.V., Basala K.O.
Optimization of Budget Investment in Ukraine
Scientific Papers of NDFI. - 2016, №3 (76). - P. 122-134.

General government on the one hand regulates investment processes in the country, on the other hand is directly involved in these processes through public investment that requires maximizing the efficient use of scarce capital resources of the state. Based on international experience, as well as the national peculiarities of Ukraine, in the article a methodology is proposed for selecting investment projects, using a combination of two approaches: selection on ENPV and AHP methods. The priority of this methodology is the best consideration of the project effects under limited financing, as well as minimizing the risk of corruption. According to the methodology all investment projects are divided into three groups depending on the scope of investment: IT, innovation, transport infrastructure; environmental protection, energy saving; other projects. Selection of projects is subject to an optimization problem in which the objective function maximizes the benefits of problem projects, restrictions show that the cost of the project may not exceed the planned capital expenditures for the according period. Also it is taken into account special distribution of capital expenditures among project groups.

Kochkina N.Yu., Stavytskyy A.V.
Gender Factors And Economic Growth: Is There Correlation?

The increase the role of women in society is manifested in the expansion of their participation in social processes and business. Therefore, gender equality is an important component of the country's socio-economic development. But is there a correlation between gender and economic growth? This article will answer this question.

Stavytskyy A.V., Prokopenko O.O.
Investments In Agricultural Machinery And Its Efficiency In Ukraine (англ. мовою)
Ekonomika, 2017. – Vol. 96(1). – P. 113-130. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Ekon.2017.1.10667

One of the major conditions of effective agriculture production is sufficient farm mechanization. However, the unstable economic situation in Ukraine, combined with bureaucratic problems, an unstable currency exchange rate, and sharply changed trade routes (which has caused major losses to a number of farms and traders working with the Custom Union) created significant obstacles for investing in machinery in Ukraine. It is especially topical for small and medium farms that usually function in poor economic conditions without any adequate access to the credit market. Consequently, Ukrainian agriculture producers often have an inadequate mechanization rate. As a result, the productivity of Ukrainian farms is significantly lower as compared to other countries that have similar natural conditions in terms of temperatures, precipitation and quality of agricultural lands. A no less important problem is the lack of awareness of small and medium farms, which may not realize the effect that investment has in agriculture machinery. Thus, in order to provide specific numbers for potential investors and prove the efficiency of this fund placement, an expected direct economic effect from machinery investment (as an increased profit from higher yield) was estimated. The first step was to define those types of agricultural machinery that have significant impact on the yield and productivity levels for each of the most important crop types: grain, oil crops, vegetables, fruits, etc. Then, an impact of additional investment in various machinery means on crops yield was estimated. Finally, based on fixed prices and a discount rate, an expected additional profit generated by newly purchased machinery on an average farm was estimated. The model proved especially high profitability of investment in such machinery as ploughs, fertilizers spreaders, harvesters, tractors, and machines for irrigation – most of them are paid off (on a land parcel with area around 2000 ha) in three years or less.

Stavytskyy A.V.

Evaluation of teacher’s effectiveness

Higher education in Ukraine, 2017. - №2 (Annex 1). - P. 43-46.

A significant drop in the quality of higher education requires decisive action of all stakeholders. Universities are trying to conduct their activities under conditions of limited financial autonomy, which discourages them to limit the number of students. This leads to the fact that the effectiveness of teaching activity and its impact on the development of students is neglected not only by researchers, but also by the management of many universities. But now, universities that are not provided adequate training, lose students because of open borders and rather high student mobility.
Based on international experience it is suggested to pay more attention to teacher abilities, which directly affect the quality of education. First of all, universities should implement a mandatory survey to determine the quality of read courses, adequacy of delivered learning outcomes. All these steps should facilitate one goal - the formation of a new culture of the university, in which absolutely all the elements, all members of the educational process will be interested in improving the quality of higher education.

Stavytskyy A.V., Zatonatska T.G.

Formation the culture of higher education quality in Ukrainian universities

Educational analyst of Ukraine. - No. 1, 2017 - P. 18-24.

The authors reveal modern approaches to a new direction in the field of educational services: the formation the culture of higher education quality in Ukrainian universities; identify the main problems and threats for the formation and maintenance the culture of the educational process quality in universities; determine the recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of universities at the national and international level. The authors propose principles for the formation of a culture of higher education quality in Ukrainian universities. They include: changing mentality, when students should receive new high-level competencies, teachers constantly improve, management adequately respond to ongoing challenges; increasing communication, since most universities have almost no communication between different levels of management and staff; availability of information that requires clear and transparent vision of current problems and university development strategy; orientation to a process, when there is no "search for guilty"; the variability of power, which implies no fear of management; the clarity of functional responsibilities, which must resolve the issue of conflict of interest.

Chernyak O.I., Kharlamova G.O., Stavytskyy A.V.
Emerging Issues in the Global Economy. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. – pp 113-129. – doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71876-7_10

Today there is no state that can be sure in its energy security. States and its citizens are constantly faced with new threats. The layout of the article is as follows: Section 10.1 describes the introduction to the problem, highlighting the scope and agenda of the energy security study. Section 10.2 describes the concept of the energy security for Ukraine, current trends, and calculative assessments available in the world and considers the position of Ukraine in the World Energy Council (WEC) index in details. Section 10.3s provides expert scenario forecasting of the balance of electricity in Ukraine up to 2030 with regard to world megatrends and EU integration of the state. Comparison assessment of the international risk index for energy security of EU states and Ukraine is presented. Section 10.4 provides the VAR modeling and impulse analysis of Ukraine’s energy security to resource shocks. Those are followed by short conclusion and discussion. Results of this paper have a few policy implications for the energy strategies of Ukraine and the EU. First of all, it is a high time to review the energy policy in the aspect of the energy security adequate assessment and forecasting. It is also necessary to improve the Ukrainian legislation in the field of energy efficiency, in particular regarding the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in Ukraine, according to optimistic scenario of the development.

Stavytskyy A.V., Bilychenko М.

Modeling The Impact Of Public Debt On The Economic Growth Worldwide

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2018; 2(197): 49-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/197-2/8

The article deals with the analysis how the state debt influences economic growth of different countries of the world. The existing method of assessing the impact of public debt on the economic growth of developed countries has been improved, using the characteristic of debt stability and the application of Hansen econometric model in the pre- and post-crisis period. Using this model, we have investigated the existence of threshold values ​​for various debt variables in developed and low-income countries. The analysis showed that the level of stable debt to GDP of 65-70% provides the highest economic growth throughout the investigated period. The threshold of the external debt to export ratio was found to be 191% for low-income countries, above which there is a slowdown in economic growth. Also, the article analysed the existence of threshold values for HIPC and non-HIPC countries separately. Applications of the regression analysis helped to reveal the state debt impact on the economic growth for the Ukrainian economy.  The effect of debt on economic growth begins to fall after reaching the ratio of external debt to GDP level of 88%.

Stavytskyy A.V.

The role of technological change in increasing the inequality of income in the EU

European Integration Processes in the 21st Century: Key Trends, Major Challenges and New Opportunities. - 2018, Issue 1. - PP. 263-272.

Stimulation of economic growth in the EU countries in recent years has revealed rather serious problems with social satisfaction of the population. In particular, the level of income inequality has increased substantially in almost all countries of the European Union. This situation contradicts the assumptions of economic theory, according to which the development of technology should contribute to equalization of incomes. In this paper, the quantitative relationship between the level of technological development of the country and the level of inequality of incomes of its population is studied. It has been shown that central European and British countries have reached such a level of development and redistribution in the economy that a change in labour productivity can not significantly increase the inequality of incomes. Peripheral countries are affected by technological changes due to their significant dependence on larger economies and the lack of developed mechanisms for redistribution in the economy.

Kharlamova G.O.,Stavytskyy A.V.

Еconomic Modeling of Energy Security: Simulation of Economic Processes (Case of Ukraine Gas System) (англ.мовою)

The paper considers issues of ensuring energy security in Ukraine. The first part of the paper is devoted to the analyses of the existing threats to energy security and the possibilities of guaranteeing this security. It was shown that the current level of energy security is unsatisfactory. It poses a real threat to the economic and national security of Ukraine. One of the most important elements of ensuring energy security in Ukraine is the production, import, and distribution of natural gas. The second part of the paper provides a detailed statistical analysis of the natural gas supply in Ukraine. Based on economicmathematical approaches, forecasts for state production, import and transit of gas for 2018-2020 are calculated. With the help of cluster analysis, the clusterization of regions of Ukraine by the energy security level was made in the third section. We received five clusters according to the levels of gas supply. It was concluded that the government should carefully and transparently approach the negotiation processes with other states interested in joint projects for the extraction and supply of oil and gas to Ukraine.

Chernyak O.I., Kharlamova G.O.,Stavytskyy A.V.

Trends of International Energy Security Risk Index in European Countries

The paper deals with the analysis and forecasting of energy security risk index for eleven European countries (the United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, and Ukraine for the period 1992-2016). Nowadays, energy security plays an important role in guaranteeing the national, political and economic security of the country. A literature review of different approaches to defining energy security gave the possibility to consider the regression model of energy security risk index assessment, which takes into account the levels of economic, technical and technological, ecological, social and resource components. This step was proceeded with clusterization of the analysed countries in three groups according to Energy Security Risk Index. Based on this approach resource-mining countries (Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK) were grouped in Cluster I, while Ukraine occupied the last Cluster III. The next division in five clusters supported the indicated allocation. Finally, we calculated the forecasts of energy security risk index based on data of 1992-2014. It allowed realizing the perspectives of energy market for the nearest future, particularly for Ukraine, which needs development of a new strategy of energy security

Kharlamova G.O.,Stavytskyy A.V., Zarotiadis G.

The impact of technological changes on income inequality: the EU states case study

In spite of economic growth, which led to the creation of millions of new jobs, income inequality has been growing sharply in most parts of the world. There is no doubt that inequality of income is the single greatest threat to social stability throughout the world. Development of technologies contributes to the increase of labour productivity, replacement of job positions by robots and automatic machines, which can further exacerbate social inequality. The aim of this paper is to determine how changes in technology affect the inequality of income in European countries. Based on the econometric apparatus, two periods are investigated: the first one, from 2006 to 2017 and the second one, from 2010 to 2017, that characterizes a new economic era after the global financial crisis. All countries were clustered, which made it possible to generalize their social and technological development. The novelty is that we considered the dichotomy and cointegration of two economic categories – income inequality and technological changes. Using a model that features biased heterogeneity, factor proportions, and labour market frictions, we obtained four quite sufficient results. (1) Central European countries and the UK have reached such a level of development and redistribution in the economy that a change in labour productivity is not significantly associated with any deepening of inequality in incomes. (2) Periphery countries, due to their significant dependence on larger economies and lack of the developed mechanism for redistribution in the economy, are affected by technological changes. (3) The more economically developed is a country, the less impact on income inequality can be initialized by technological change. (4) The deeper is income inequality in a country, the more it responds to technological changes, but the impact on inequality can be both positive and negative.

Kharlamova G., Stavytskyy А., Nate S.

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2018; 3(198): - P. 54-65. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/198-3/7

This paper gives the possibility to analyze the application of renewable energy sources (RES) at different stages of their implementation to energy supply. Through the world experience we research the dynamics of energy consumption by its types; determine, what kinds of alternative sources are demanded most of all. In addition, we assess the efficiency of the application of RES in Ukraine. According to statistical and correlation analysis, it was proved that for Ukraine it is the most profitable to use biomass energy, while solar energy remains relatively expensive for our country. At the same time situation may change if costs for the solar panel will decrease in the future. It is shown that use of alternative energy sources decrease the energy intensity of GDP, while fossil resources increase this parameter. Unfortunately, Ukraine faces difficulties in attracting investments for development of RES as they are not so profitable at this time. It means that government should change its policy, increasing electricity prices to the European level, giving the chance for energy independence. In any case, in Ukraine, it will be necessary to increase the introduction of RES, as our country has only about 2% of RES in energy balance, while European countries in average have 17% and some of them have more than 60%.

Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G., Giedraitis, V., Šumskis, V.

Estimating the interrelation between energy security and macroeconomic factors in European countries.

This paper deals with the analysis of energy security in certain European countries. The investigation of different approaches to evaluation of the energy security parameter showed some drawbacks of their application in practice. This fact has led the authors to the idea to develop a completely new index of energy security that includes, inter alia, quite a traditional approach - based on the data about consumption, production, distribution, and allocation of energy resources - also paying attention to productivity and efficiency of using such resources. The first part of the paper discusses the advantages of a new parameter in comparison to the existing analogies. The next part concerns the estimation of four-panel regressions that describe the interrelation of main macroeconomic parameters with the new energy security index (NESI). They showed that the increase of GDP is positively correlated with NESI, and negatively - with CPI. Therefore, on the one hand, economic tools may improve energy security in Europe, and on the other, guaranteeing energy security leads to lower prices and bigger national output.

Stavytskyy A.

Influence of modern geopolitical challenges on state's economic security

Changes in the geopolitical situation in the world create risks and threats to the economy of the state as for its economic security. The paperconsiders possible risks caused by geopolitical confrontation between great powers and blocs of countries, economic preconditions for conflicts,struggle for resources and energy supply. It is shown that geopolitical challenges will have a significant impact on the economic component of thecountries of the world for a sufficiently long time, especially for Ukraine, which, due to its small economy, can not play a significant role in the international arena.

Stavytskyy A. V.

Challenges for Higher Education: The Case of Ukraine (англ. мовою)

In September 2014, a new Higher Education Act, which significantly expanded the autonomy of the university and provided a real opportunity for the unification of Ukrainian and European educational space, was passed in Ukraine. New rules of work should improve the quality of education and make national universities competitive worldwide. At the same time, the educational institutions face numerous problems of transition, which should be solved as soon as possible. The issues that require a coordinated approach for the majority of higher education universities are analyzed within the paper.

Ganna Kharlamova, Andriy Stavytskyy, Oleksandr Chernyak

Analysis of Energy Security Provision in the European Countries

In this paper, different approaches to understanding the concept of “energy security” were considered through the prism of factors that affect its level and methods of its evaluation. An assessment of the energy security level was conducted based on the Shannon-Wiener index for 15 countries in Europe (Austria, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Switzerland, and Sweden) in the period 1985–2014. The impact of fuel prices, in particular, oil and natural gas, on the level of energy security in these countries have been researched. The grouping of these countries into clusters was carried out on the basis of the calculated value of the Shannon-Wiener index. As the structure of energy consumption in Austria, Greece, Norway, and Poland is diverse, that is, they consume different sources of energy (oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power plants, renewable energy) in a more even way than those that have fallen into other clusters. In addition, the prediction of the level of energy security (the Shannon-Wiener index) was calculated for Ukraine by classical forecasting methods, the Holt-Winters method, using the Hodrick–Prescott filter, simple linear regression, and using trend lines. An absolute majority of forecasts have shown that Ukraine’s energy security level will slightly increase from its current level in 2015–2017. It says there is no reason to talk about sufficient improvement of the diversification of resource supply.

Andriy Stavytskyy

Geopolitical Climate of Black Sea Region

In: Emerging Importance of Wider Black Sea Area Security. – Lucian Blaga Univeristy of Sibiu, June, 2018. – PP. 107-117.

Paper deals with the analysis of different current threats in the Black Sea region (BSR). At present, countries are inclined to apply protectionist measures to defend their own markets, which leads to a restriction of free trade and hence to a vigour struggle for certain resources. One of the most important resources is energy, but it can be supplied in different forms. The paper analyses four sources of energy, including coal, oil, gas and renewable energy. It is proved that the type of energy used plays an important role in detecting geopolitical influence. It is investigated how different European countries are dependent on Russia’s supply and how this level is interrelated with the level of happiness in these states. The negative relation is detected, revealing new threats to the BSR, when a high dependence on energy resources from Russia exists. It was shown that relative prices for resources are being diminished comparing to stock markets. Therefore, in the nearest future, the attempts will be made to form energy superpowers, which, by controlling energy sources, will try to raise prices in the market and to monopolize it as the next step. The EU and the BSR, in particular, should be ready for such threats, providing common energy policy.

Stavytskyy A.V.

An entrepreneur is no longer the king of his business (on Russian).

The main task of the head of modern business is the creation of effective management under permanent change of staff, the correct distribution of outsourcing, the preparation of enterprises for subsequent sale.

Stavytskyy A.V., Kharlamova G.O.

Analysis of trade between the EU and Ukraine with a gravity model

In this work a gravitation model was developed and analyzed for five European countries that are at different levels of development (Finland, Baltic States and Ukraine). The study showed that the presence of a common currency would increase exports by about one-fifth. Due to the development of transport infrastructure, it is possible to significantly increase the volume of trade in Europe, especially with the attraction of Eastern European countries.

Kharlamova G., Stavytskyy A., Chernyak O., Giedraitis V., Komendant O.

Economic modeling of the GDP gap in Ukraine and worldwide

The concept of output gap plays an important role in traditional macroeconomic theory, applied research and monetary policy. The paper reveals analyses of the potential economic development in Ukraine and in some countries of the world under limited information. Thus, the practical goal is to consider the best modelling approach for the possibility to regulate GDP in Ukraine, as it has been experienced in other countries of the world. The research is realized with the help of economic-mathematical modelling of GDP gap based on the analysis of the production function, statistical methods of distinguishing the trend component, one-dimensional filtration, multidimensional filtration. Practical importance of the paper includes implementation of methods for estimating potential GDP and the GDP gap, in particular, the authors proposed to use an approach based on the production function for the potential growth of European countries modelling. The model reveals that for the Eurozone countries, in the short term, it is not expected that the economy will reach its potential level. The negative forecast is explained by the fact that the Eurozone has been severely affected by the debt crisis. There has been a significant increase in the gap in production volumes, which in turn led to deflation. Despite the uncertainty in the assessment of potential GDP and GDP gap for Ukraine the multidimensional method provided the best modelling result. Thus, it is disclosed that Ukraine is under the growing wave of the business cycle, but not in the synergy with the EU dynamics.

Stavytskyy A., Kharlamova G., Giedraitis V., Sengul E.

Gravity model analysis of globalization process in transition economies

The globalization process develops itself differently for each transition country. Likewise, implementation of reforms and their impacts on trade relations show variety among countries. The article focuses on five countries (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine). It considers how the factors (the size of the economy, the ratio of the price index of the countries, common borders on the sea or on land, distance between the states and the existence of common currency) have affected the export trade volume with trading partners during 1996-2017. The main methodology of the article is formed around the gravity model, which suggests that trade relations between countries can be explained by their economic size and the distance between states’ financial centres. The findings show that such factors still play a significant role, but logistic problems became much weaker during the last years. It is necessary to note the influence of the Industry 4.0, which intensifies the service of the economy and introduces new adjustments to the allegedly established theoretical dependencies in trade and economic development of the state. The research has shown that countries that are close to each other have fewer opportunities for developing export potential. At the same time, the presence of a common currency allows states increase exports by about one-fifth. At present, changes in domestic prices in countries do not play a significant role in exports, same as the ratio of the economy size. Therefore, taking into account the development of transport infrastructure, it is possible to increase significantly the exports in Europe, especially with the involvement of Eastern Europe.

Stavytskyy A.V.

The role of European integration in ensuring economic security

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2019; 2(203): 53-59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/203-2/7.

The globalization process develops itself differently for each transition country. Likewise, implementation of reforms and their impacts on trade relations show variety among countries. The article focuses on five countries (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine). It considers how the factors (the size of the economy, the ratio of the price index of the countries, common borders on the sea or on land, distance between the states and the existence of common currency) have affected the export trade volume with trading partners during 1996-2017. The main methodology of the article is formed around the gravity model, which suggests that trade relations between countries can be explained by their economic size and the distance between states’ financial centres. The findings show that such factors still play a significant role, but logistic problems became much weaker during the last years. It is necessary to note the influence of the Industry 4.0, which intensifies the service of the economy and introduces new adjustments to the allegedly established theoretical dependencies in trade and economic development of the state. The research has shown that countries that are close to each other have fewer opportunities for developing export potential. At the same time, the presence of a common currency allows states increase exports by about one-fifth. At present, changes in domestic prices in countries do not play a significant role in exports, same as the ratio of the economy size. Therefore, taking into account the development of transport infrastructure, it is possible to increase significantly the exports in Europe, especially with the involvement of Eastern Europe.

Stavytskyy A.V.

Main goals and factors of influence. Macro and microeconomics studies

The globalization process develops itself differently for each transition country. Likewise, implementation of reforms and their impacts on trade relations show variety among countries. The article focuses on five countries (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine). It considers how the factors (the size of the economy, the ratio of the price index of the countries, common borders on the sea or on land, distance between the states and the existence of common currency) have affected the export trade volume with trading partners during 1996-2017. The main methodology of the article is formed around the gravity model, which suggests that trade relations between countries can be explained by their economic size and the distance between states’ financial centres. The findings show that such factors still play a significant role, but logistic problems became much weaker during the last years. It is necessary to note the influence of the Industry 4.0, which intensifies the service of the economy and introduces new adjustments to the allegedly established theoretical dependencies in trade and economic development of the state. The research has shown that countries that are close to each other have fewer opportunities for developing export potential. At the same time, the presence of a common currency allows states increase exports by about one-fifth. At present, changes in domestic prices in countries do not play a significant role in exports, same as the ratio of the economy size. Therefore, taking into account the development of transport infrastructure, it is possible to increase significantly the exports in Europe, especially with the involvement of Eastern Europe.

Stavytskyy A., Dluhopolskyi O., Kharlamova G., Karpuk A., Osetskyi V.

Testing the fruitfulness of the institutional environment for the development of innovative-entrepreneurial Universities in Ukraine

Strengthening the integration of higher education, research, and innovation is a crucial requirement of time. The entrepreneurial university today is considered and analyzed as a promising model for their combination. The educational and scientific systems of many countries are faced with the task of converging all vertices of the “knowledge triangle.” The problem of Ukrainian educational and scientific system is a necessity to implement the concept of formation of the innovation and entrepreneurial model of a modern university, which will enable the effective implementation of administrative reforms in this field. The article aims to analyze the impact of innovative environmental factors on the development of entrepreneurial universities in Ukraine, based on correlation and panel regression analysis. The method of quantitative analysis (panel regression) is used to formulate the key results of the article. The results show that the growth of government expenditures by 1% leads to an increase in the Global Innovation Index by 0.375 in 4 years. Also, every additional 1% of people working with new technologies increases the level of Global Innovation Index by 0.75 annually. Despite European trends, Ukrainian educational environment does not contribute to the development of innovation and entrepreneurial universities (the education expenditures are ineffective). The research provides a vector for understanding the implementation of the most effective strategies of promising innovation and investment development of education and science in Ukrainian universities, considering their existing potential and contemporary world trends of development.


Stavytskyy А., Kharlamova G., Stoica E.A.

The Analysis of the Digital Economy and Society Index in the EU

The paper analyzes the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), which characterizes the development of digital economy. Based on the data of 28 European countries for 2013–2018, using the panel regression, we studied the influence of the consumption index growth by the purchasing power parity and unemployment among the active population on the structural units of DESI. It is shown that a 1% increase in the consumption index results in about 0.2 increase in the DESI, and an increase in unemployment by 1% leads to about 0.2 DESI decline. It is also shown that the 98% value of DESI is actually determined by its previous trends, and therefore it is impossible to increase this index rapidly. Some reflections and conclusions are made on the perspective of the developing states, i.e., Ukraine, that is not yet assessed in DESI ranking.


Stavytskyy A.V., Kozub M.B.

Modeling of income inequality in the European Union countries

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2019; 4(205): 34-40. https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2019/205-4/5.

The article describes the current tendencies of the development of income differentiation processes in the countries of the European Union during the last 10 years. According to the analysis of the impact of income inequality on the economy of the countries, there is an inverse relationship between the growth of the gap between the income of different groups of people and the economic development. In order to confirm this conclusion and calculate the real index of income inequality, the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model has been developed. The authors analysed three macroeconomics objects (household, firm, government), relationships between them and made their own model of eight equations. After that, the index of income inequality of all 27 current members of the European Union has been calculated for the last 10 years. The result shows in the general negative tendency. That is why it is important to choose the right strategic direction for the future development of the country. This DSGE model is a universal model and can be applied to other regions of the world after calibration of the parameters. The improvement of the model is about its expansion by adding other sources of income to get more accurate results. As a conclusion of the article, there was analysed the main directions of reforming the European economy in order to achieve sustainable development.


A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, A. Karpuk, A.Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova

The data science tools for research of emigration processes in Ukraine

Problems and Perspectives in Management. 2020. Volume 18, Issue #1, pp. 70-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.18(1).2020.07

The process of world globalization, labor, and academic mobility, the visa-free regime with the EU countries have caused a significant revival of migration processes in Ukraine. However, there is still the research gap in the most informative, and, at the same time, accurate method of the assessment and forecasting of the migration flows. Thus, the object of research is migration processes (mostly emphasizing the emigration flows). The motives, causes of emigration processes, and their relationship with the economic state were analyzed. The impact factors of external labor migration on the economy of the host countries were revealed, particularly the negative and positive impacts of emigration on the socio-economic situation in Ukraine and the migration attitude of Ukrainians were assessed.
The main result of study is further development of the econometric model for forecasting the number of emigrants from Ukraine to other countries in the nearest future. The model considers the factors of minimum wage lavel in Ukraine, the number of open vacancies in the countries of Eastern Europe, and the level of competition for jobs. According to the results of forecasting based on Maple computer algebra system and Microsoft Power BI analytical platform, by the end of 2019, the number of emigrants from Ukraine supposed to be the largest in the last four years and to reach the estimates in the range from 2,444 to 2,550 million people, which may indicate a new third wave of emigration processes.


A. Sokolovska, T. Zatonatska, A. Stavytskyy, O.Lyulyov, V. Giedraitis

The Impact of Globalization and International Tax Competition on Tax Policies

Research in World Economy. 2020, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Special Issue). Doi: https://doi.org/10.5430/rwe.v11n4p1. URL: http://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/rwe/article/view/18664

The aim of the paper is to determine to what extent the strengthening of the transparency of the Ukrainian economy and its incorporation in international tax competition affects the tax policy of the country and the peculiarities of its tax system. In the study, the logical analysis of the direct and inverse relationship of changes in taxation with such manifestations of globalization, as the movement of capital and labor resources from Ukraine and to the country, is combined with an empirical (regression) analysis of the relationship between globalization and the main characteristics of the Ukrainian tax system. It is proved that the increase of incorporation of Ukraine in globalization processes, despite the reduction of taxes on the main factors of production, is accompanied by an increase in the general level of tax burden on the economy (tax rate). The above mentioned is a consequence of increase of other taxes, including excise, caused both by internal needs of Ukraine (conducting the policy of fiscal consolidation caused by large public debt, and increasing defense expenditures) and its international obligations (EU Association Agreement). The tax system in Ukraine is much stronger (about 25%) influenced by the general index of globalization in comparison with its subindex characterizing the economic component of globalization. Obviously, this is owing to the greater influence on taxation in Ukraine of other components of globalization such as political and social one. The results show that the growth of the globalization index is accompanied by rather expected effects such as reduction of corporate profit tax rates and personal income tax, transferring the tax burden from capital to labor and, to a greater extent, on consumption, improving business conditions in the context of tax payments, and specific increase in the general level of tax burden on the economy, significant losses of the state that is not so much from the reduction of tax rates as from the erosion of the tax base on income, which is the result of a combination of negative effects of external and internal factors; the threat of escalating the policy of low tax rates. It is recommended to the Ukrainian Government to focus increasingly on the tax evolution trends in post-socialist EU countries to strengthen Ukraine`s position in tax competition with this group of countries.


A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova, V. Giedraitis, V. Osetskyi, V. Kulish

Can key interest rates decrease output gaps? (англ. мовою)

Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 17(3), 205-218. doi:10.21511/imfi.17(3).2020.16, URL: https://businessperspectives.org/journals/investment-management-and-financial-innovations/issue-360/can-key-interest-rates-decrease-output-gaps

The difference in the GDP levels is crucial for the macroeconomic forecasting to develop adequate and supportive fiscal and monetary policies. Most mismeasurements under current geoeconomics challenges can be explained by the difficulty in predicting recessions and the overestimation of the economy’s potential capacity. The research aims to consider the GDP gap’s effectiveness for the possible forecasting of the monetary policy, particularly the central bank’s interest rate. The study uses quantitative methods, particularly VAR modeling. The VAR model is chosen as a proven useful tool for describing the dynamic behavior of economic time series and forecasting. The data sample is chosen as Eurozone, the United States, and Japan. The similarity is detected on output gaps implementation in the considered states; however, the variety in the responses to the financial crisis is revealed. This difference is due to the different sensitivity of economies on the impact of monetary instruments. In particular, the Japanese economy has a relatively low level of sensitivity to changes in monetary instruments. In terms of the reactions of central banks to the current economic crisis caused by COVID-19, then due to the global lockdown and the incredible decline in economic activity, almost all countries are in a situation of negative GDP gap according the paper’s approach. However, the measures to mitigate it will vary in different states.


G. Kharlamova, A. Stavytskyy

The Gender Issue in Entrepreneurship Activity: the Current Perception of Entrepreneurs

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2020; 3(210): 42-52. DOI:    https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/210-3/6

Today, the issue of gender and equal opportunities for women and men is raised more and more often. That is despite the fact that in developed countries there are very massive feminization trends. Нowever, the development of new technologies, the transition to online life brings gender issues to the fore in the context of new geoeconomic challenges, such as the development of creative industries, digitalization, rising unemployment, growing social and economic inequality. Looking to the future is impossible without understanding the impact of the past. This paper examines three countries, principle economic partners of Ukraine, which had a socialist past, although formed in different socio-cultural vectors, and those that show different rates of development and use different economic models. The working hypothesisis as follows: whether gender entrepreneurship differs in these countries. The database is taken from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring (GEM) and investigated using statistical and econometric methods. The results showed that with the maximum similarity of perceptions of entrepreneurs in analyzed countries, the gender difference still exists in the direction of greater entrepreneurial activity of women in the country, which shows higher economic performance today. It should be noted that the main problem and limitation of this study is the source of data, which is based on monitoring, which does not cover all countries of the world, so in particular it does not contain data on Ukraine. In addition, from the point of view of the input data collected by GEM, we have almost equal  proportions of surveyed men and women, both in general and those engaged in entrepreneurial activities. But this is not fully representative. Because demographic composition in these countries differs. It is also worth noting that the GEM data is a survey conducted by a trusted institution in the country, which is not fully representative for cross-country comparison.


A. Stavytskyy, G Kharlamova, M.Naumova

Sokolov, O., Zholtkevych, G., Yakovyna, V., Tarasich, Yu., Kharchenko, V., Kobets, V., Burov, O., Semerikov, S., Kravtsov, H (Eds.): ICT in Education, Research, and
Industrial Applications. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2020. Volume II: Workshops. Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 6-10, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online. р.313-328. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/

Decision making in the economy demands tools to find the most effective, cost-affordable, and optimal solutions. Besides, there is a high necessity to have possible solutions not for tactic needs but for strategic as well. Business and economic analysts of all levels of economic management are eager to put up the user-friendly software, apps, or solutions to support their analytic and forecasting attempts. In the epoch of the claimed Industry 4.0, rapid digitization and on-line of recent quarantine events, the information systems, and any computer support is the best possibility and treasure. This paper is devoted to the idea of possible computer support for the analysis and forecasting of economic dynamics. Particular attention is paid to the time series modelling and detecting of its cyclic component. The majority of economic time series have the seasonality or other cycling inside of its dynamics, that could dramatically pervert the linear trend forecast or any other determinate direction of the trend. The proposed information system is quite user-friendly but the low error way provides a potential user with the tool of cyclic component forecasting. The methodology is grounded in the Assimakopouloscyclicity filter. The case of Denmark's GDP quarterly since 1995is presented to test and confirm the system's effectiveness in acquiring knowledge about the dynamics of the economic system. The sufficient accuracy of the implemented forecasting methods is presented.


A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, G. Kharlamova, A. Stavytskyy

Sokolov, O., Zholtkevych, G., Yakovyna, V., Tarasich, Yu., Kharchenko, V., Kobets, V., Burov, O., Semerikov, S., Kravtsov, H (Eds.): ICT in Education, Research, and
Industrial Applications. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2020. Volume II: Workshops. Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 6-10, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, online. р.313-328. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/

The article contains a study of the principles of student's educational trajectory formation by using modern technologies in data analysis. There is a mandatory requirement to have the selective component (optional to a student) among the curriculum educational components. This rule is legislated in the laws «On Education» and «On Higher Education» of Ukraine as well as in the normative documents on accreditation of educational programs, defined by the Standards and recommendations on quality assurance in the European Space of Higher Education (ESG) and the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education. However, adherence to the principles of the individual educational trajectory formation is mostly formal and is reduced to offering students a non-coherent list of courses. On the one hand, this leads to the disorientation of a student, who cannot see the systemic perspective of his future profession in the initial list of study courses, and therefore cannot consciously choose the optimal set of optional courses. On the other hand, the unknown choice of courses by students leads to situational management of the educational process at the HEI. A large number of courses create significant difficulties in managing the selection process. To analyse the process of individual educational trajectory formation, the authors propose to use methods of data association and, in particular, the apriori algorithm for the formation of associative rules. The procedure of popular sets of elective courses formation, the configuration of associative rules of educational courses choice is studied. The characteristics of these rules quality are calculated. The example of the procedure implementation in analytical platform Deductor Studio is considered.


A. Stavytskyy, M.Kozub

Ekonomika, 99(2), pp. 6-19. doi: 10.15388/Ekon.2020.2.1.

The article describes the features of the processes of economic convergence in the countries of Eastern Europe for the last 10 years. The analysis of β- and σ-convergence was carried out based on a system of macroeconomic indicators with 10 key parameters. The calculation of the direction and speed of convergence was performed using the econometric instruments in the region as a whole and pairwise analysis of the β-convergence index for all analyzed countries. The obtained results allowed to conclude the inequity development of Eastern European countries and the lack of a stable trend towards convergence of macroeconomic indicators. The resulting model is universal and can be applied to other world regions or to determine the processes of convergence of another system of macroeconomic indicators and choose main directions of reforming to bring national economies closer and achieve stronger external relations.


A. Stavytskyy, V.Taraba

Analyzing performance of technical analysis on stock markets

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2020; 4(211): 53-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/211-4/5

The article analyzes the profitability of technical analysis methods for the seven stock indices during the last ten years. According to the analysis, the profitability of technical analysis has increased recently due to changes in market conditions. However, the efficiency of technical analysis methods was much lower during 2010-2018. The analysis showed that technical analysis methods demonstrated best results on the Chinese, Indian, and Hong Kong stock indices, the worst – on the American, European, and Japanese stock indices. However, the stability of these methods is quite low: their profitability varies greatly with the change of the sample. The issue of aggregation of technical analysis signals and ARIMA-model signals is also considered in this paper. The optimal parameters for the technical analysis methods were selected by testing on historical data; optimal ARIMA models were selected for each index. For 3 out of 7 indices the optimal model is WN (white noise). Most technical analysis methods showed poor results on the American (S&P 500) and European (Euronext 100) stock indices (except for the last two years). The results can be used to develop trading strategies.


Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G., Giedraitis, V., Cheberyako, O., & Nikytenko, D

Gender question: Econometric answer.

There has been an increased interest in the studies on female entrepreneurship due to the changing sociocultural conditions at the global markets. Despite this trend, there is still a lack of understanding about the female entrepreneurs' role in the internationalization processes of firms and states. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of gender differences globally. The critical review of available literature and international reports on the topic revealed the research gap in the application of applied econometrics methods for the gender equality study. Noticing the critical shortage of data on the male/female differences in the economy and entrepreneurship we take Global Gender Gap index as the depictive indicator. The research rises six main questions that test the dependence of gender equality on the territorial affiliation of the country, the level of economic development of the country (income and GDP per capita), the unemployment rate in the country, the level of economy’s shadowing, the educational level in the country and supporting of the research, mainly the involvement of women in science. The panel regressions show that in general the Global Gender Gap Index has been growing and will grow due to the internal factors. This means that in the long run, there are no incentives for most countries to accelerate its development. The only exception to this rule are African countries.


Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G., Chernyak O.

Modelling of Population Consumption in Conditions of Instability

The analysis of consumption plays an important role in both macroeconomic theory and empirical research. The matter of macroeconomic instability is one of the main points in modern macroeconomics. The tasks of the paper are: to reveal the essence of the population consumption as an economic category; to assess consumer attitudes in different countries, to determine the number of factors that affect the level of consumption and its structural elements under instability; and to construct the models of population consumption patterns. The analysis of the changes in consumer attitudes over the world during the period of instability was conducted. We observed the dynamics and structure of household consumption spending in the United States, Canada, Japan, the European Union, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It has been resolved that over the past few years the global trend has improved, which is characterized by an increase in the consumer confidence index for most countries. We made a focus on the post-crisis period only for Ukraine, not considering the war period due to missed data. Nevertheless, we found out that the Consumer Confidence Index in Ukraine has dropped sharply over the past two years. Ukrainians still negatively assess the economic trend due to the difficult macroeconomic situation in the country. We built the models of the dependence of the consumption growth rate on the permanent and temporary incomes growth rate, the rate of inflation and the percentage deviation from the long-term equilibrium in the period of instability based on the samples for the United States, Canada, Japan, the Russian Federation and European countries.


Kharlamova, G., Stavytskyy, A., Naumova M.

Gender Matters For The Entrepreneurial Activity: Case Of European States

Studies in Business and Economics, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol. 15(3), pages 287-302, December.URL: https://ideas.repec.org/a/blg/journl/v15y2020i3p287-302.html

The gender inequality is the hot topic for most countries in the world. However, sometimes the talks about the risks and threats are more dramatic than the reality is. The paper aims to test the gender gap in the selected states and to consider the hypothesis that gender matters in entrepreneurial activity. The methodology of the regression and statistical analyses is proposed to access the main hypothesis and to trace the dynamics of the gender indexes and ranks. The preliminary results show that gender affects the level of entrepreneurial activity; besides government support programs and socio-cultural factors have a significant impact as well. The valid results for all states represented positive correlation and dependence between Entrepreneurial Motivation for TEA and Female/Male ratio for all analysed states. We can conclude that the change in the ratio of women and men engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the state (i.e. Poland) will affect the level of business innovation. For example, when the gender structure of entrepreneurs in Poland changes towards the number of women compared to men, the level of innovation of products and services will increase, or vice versa.


Stavytskyy A., Sachko V.

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2020; 5(211). P. 33-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/212-5/5

The article considers the impact of human development on changes and transformations in economics and on the general development of the state for the countries of the European Union and Ukraine in the period from 1990 to 2018, as well as ways of its modeling using statistical and econometric methods.  The analysis of the factors influencing the development of human capital made it possible to draw a conclusion about the direct dependence of changes in the economic and social spheres and the level of quality of life of the population. Innovative universities, namely University 4.0, also in turn play a significant role in shaping the new modern knowledge economy and the development of the state as a whole, influencing society through cognitive technologies. To determine the results, time series models and multiple and panel regression models were developed based on the data of the Human Development Index and other socio-economic indicators that determine the financial stability of the state and the level of its security and welfare. The obtained models were tested for adequacy, significance of coefficients, stability and possibility of their use in practice in order to determine the most optimal of them. After conducting the necessary tests and calculating the error of RMSPE, the best of all constructed and analyzed models was the Holt-Winters model. It is universal and can be used to further forecast the economic, social and demographic indicators of other regions of the world with possible adjustments of the main parameters and coefficients to obtain the most accurate results and use this model in practice. The study concluded with an analysis of the main areas of reform and recovery of the Ukrainian economy and the spheres of education and health care to achieve social progress in the country and increase its level of development.


A. Stavytskyy, K. Molokanova

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2020; 6(213).  P. 20-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2020/213-6/3

The article examines the concept of quality of life and reviews the history of its development in the scientific literature. It is explained why estimation of country's level of socio-economic development and quality of life can't be done only by evaluation of GDP per capita and other dimensions have to be included such as those, which influence material well-being (level of income, living conditions, basic expenses rate in total consumption, income inequality, etc.) and other areas of well-being (such as quality of education, healthcare, ecology, social equality). Dimensions that have to be included while estimating the level of quality of life have been defined by the most influential works in both the theoretical development of the concept and its practical application. Tendencies of changes of life-quality in European countries during 2008 – 2019 have been described. The development of the most important indicators that have an impact on life-quality has also been examined. The article analyses the features of methodology and application of dynamic stochastic models of general equilibrium (DSGE-models). DSGE-model has been built based on analysis of quality of life. Evaluation of the model made it possible to determine the most influential factors in terms of quality of life, estimate the level of quality of life in Ukraine and European countries and formulate general recommendations based on the country's weaknesses. The model can be used for analysis of life-quality for other countries as long as data of the indicators correspond with the values given by statistic services of the country. In case of necessity, the system of indicators used for estimation of the quality of life can be broadened or constricted.


Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova, Olena Komendant, Jarosław Andrzejczak,  Joanna Nakonieczny

Energies 202114(12), 3621.  URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/12/3621/pdf. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123621

Energy issue stays a top priority for the national security of most countries. Despite numerous international forums, large-scale geoeconomic research, international and national projects, and the development of appropriate strategies, the issue of energy security assessment and understanding of its terminology is not a universal practice. The presented study has an ambitious goal to develop a methodology that can provide an objective picture of the energy sector on an international scale with cross-country comparisons under the influence of modern megatrends. Based on 29 indicators, according to the World Bank data since 1991, the energy security index is calculated for the set of world states with further analysis of the cluster dynamics of their common trends in energy security. The index showed its objectivity and resistance to existing shocks in geoeconomic dynamics. An important feature of the proposed index is the possibility to compare the energy security index with 1. This value is, in fact, a European average: if a country has an energy security index greater than 1, it means that its energy level is currently better than the European average, and if it is lower than 1, it means that it is inferior to the level of energy security currently achieved on average in Europe. The concept of calculating the index of energy security of the state is based on a unified comparison of all countries, which allows us to move away from the use of signaling approaches and eliminate subjectivity in calculations, as well as provide a basis for dynamic comparison of energy security. The vital aspect of the index is that it takes into account changes in the energy paradigm, the transition to alternative energy sources, and the comprehension of the role of energy efficiency, in particular, of fossil fuels. The study identifies clusters of countries that have consistent similarities in energy security, which can usually be of practical interest in developing energy strategies and understanding the similarity of geoeconomic interests of these states. Thus, this article contributes not only to the development of scientific approaches to the assessment of energy issues, in particular, through the methodological development of a representative index, but also through the presentation of statistically sound results for further effective management decisions at the state level.


Yulia Petlenko, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova

Problems and Perspectives in Management. Volume 19. 2021, Issue #3, pp. 396-407. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.19(3).2021.32

The COVID-19 has put higher education institutions in a new situation and identified bottlenecks in the financial structure of institutions and education systems in general. However, for Ukrainian universities, this situation can be seen as an opportunity to achieve financial autonomy. This study is devoted to the consideration of a possible tool for the financial autonomy of Ukrainian classical universities, most of which are state-funded. The paper considers the methodology of a possible tool for the accumulation of external financing – the endowment fund. The case analysis and analytical consideration of world practice are applied. As a result, a model for financing the university in its transition to the innovation and entrepreneurship model is proposed as the chain “endowment fund – development of start-ups”. This example can become the basis of the road map for other national HEIs, as well as the practice of wider use in the field of higher education. However, despite most of the national classical universities have declared a course to an innovative development, which further raised the necessity of external funding, top management and general economic situation require more attention. As this transition to a new model of the university is taking place along with the financial stabilization and under economic and social upheavals, the formation of a new culture of online communication is necessary. Thus, the proposed model is the practical guideline of possible decisions but mostly the start-point for further discussion and research.


Mara, D., Nate S., .Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G.

Energies 2022, 15, 658. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/en15020658

The term “energy security” is used almost everywhere in economic and political discussions related to energy supply. However, different authors use different meanings to express the concept of energy security. Quite often, this term is used to give more importance or relevance to issues that are often not inherently related to energy security. Attempts to define the essence of the concept of “energy security” have hitherto not been systematic and are characterized by a variety of approaches, and some insufficient justification especially in the aspect of state national security is notable. Our contribution to the discourse development is the consideration of energy security as part of internationally recognized indices that are developed to assess the temperature of world security. A regression modeling approach to test the crucial factors of social‐economic development that impact the energy security indicators is presented. The literature analysis and review of the world’s existing national security indices show that the link between energy security and national security is in fact hardly considered. Mostly, energy security is considered in the dichotomy concerning economic security at the international, as well as national levels. The calculative regression modeling revealed that the significant correlation of economic and energy security is just for the U.S.A., the rest of the analyzed countires display the weak or non‐significant correlations of the indices of economic/energy/security threats. That pushes the discussion on whether energy security is indeed so impactful a factor for geo‐policy and geo‐economy, or whether it is mostly the well‐rolled media‐supported megatrend. However, the present study notes a great shortage of long‐ term cross‐state indices to reflect energy, economic, and national security to allow for valuable modeling.


Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G., Fedorenko I.

Studies in Business and Economics, vol.16, no.3, 2021, pp.87-108. https://doi.org/10.2478/sbe-2021-0047

In today's globalized world, the challenge of the state economic security ensuring is particularly relevant as a priority for the national interests protection from various threats. The analyses of the experience of the European Union and other countries revealed that national economic security ensuring plays a crucial role in securing for the state its geostrategic significance and potential. The article provides a critical analysis of modern threats and risks to economic security from the geostrategic perspective. The paper develops the methodology of the economic security index calculating based on a unified comparison of parameters of economic and social development of all countries, which allowed to move away from signaling approaches and eliminated subjectivity in assessments and following policy recommendations. In contrast to existing methods, the authors’ approach uses geopolitical factors. This tactic allowed taking into account the directions of change in the world and identifying external threats and risks to state economic security. The analysis and comparison of the index of economic security of European countries based on the offered concept are carried out. The countries are clustered based on the economic security index.


Nate, S., Grecu, V., Stavytskyy, A., Kharlamova, G.

Sustainability. 2022, 14, 7985. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137985

Existing definitions of entrepreneurship highlight the functional role of entrepreneurs, emphasizing their responsibilities for coordination, allocating resources, making decisions, supplying capital, innovation, and bearing uncertainty. This research analyzes the impact that external funding and supportive soft-skills mechanisms such as mentorship, advice, and networking with experienced entrepreneurs have on transforming the entrepreneurial attitude of new entrepreneurs. In measuring attitudes regarding entrepreneurial success, a series of variables specific to the nature of the analyzed entrepreneurial ecosystem are revealed and adapted, starting from psychological research. This approach is implemented to evaluate the self-perception of efficacy and transformation of entrepreneurs after initiating their companies. The survey of Romanian new entrepreneurs is considered as the database. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data set is used to consider entrepreneurial motives and impacts at the macrolevel. The correlation analysis, statistical tests, and ANOVA helped to reveal the differences in attitudes to mentorship and similar indicators in the Romanian business environment. The novelty of the research is seen in the consideration of field cases and a global monitoring data set through the prism of ground mathematical methods. The focus on boosting new entrepreneurs with a mixture of finance and soft skills support simultaneously addresses a research gap that is slightly closed by this research. The study showed that the mentoring program for new entrepreneurs increased their self-confidence, especially for young people, taught them how to run a company without outside interference, and significantly transformed the mentality of the participants in the experiment. Thus, the policy of supporting new entrepreneurs not only financially, but also in skills, has good prospects and needs to be intensified.


Stavytskyy, A.

Europa: serve ripensare al concetto di sicurezza energetica

Nel febbraio 2022, in Europa è scoppiato il più grande conflitto militare dalla seconda guerra mondiale. Molte le ragioni che ne spiegano la genesi: un governo autocratico in Russia, la mentalità imperiale della popolazione russa, la propaganda informativa, ragioni di carattere storico. A queste, però, ne va aggiunta un’altra che assume una rilevanza particolare: l’energia, pietra angolare attorno a cui ruotano molti interessi economici e la stessa sicurezza dell’Europa.


Kharlamova, G., Roskladka, A., Roskladka, N., Stavytskyy, A., Zabaldina Yu.

Cluster Analysis of Ukrainian Regions Regarding the Level of Investment Attractiveness in Tourism

The article contains a description of the process and results of the implementation of the k-means algorithm in the analytical platform Loginom for the problem of clustering the regions of Ukraine by the level of investment attractiveness in the field of tourism. The selection of tourism clusters and their ranking is a difficult task in the field of data analysis, as there is no single consolidated indicator of investment attractiveness. The conclusion about the affiliation of a particular region to one of the tourist clusters is determined by a set of indicators of the volume of tourist services for different types of economic activity in the field of tourism. The Loginom system has powerful tools for cluster analysis using EM-Clustering, k-means, g-means and others. The tools of statistical and visual analysis of the obtained results deserve special attention: Table, Statistics, Chart, OLAP-Cube, Cluster Profiles. Clustering has made it possible to identify groups of regions that are actively developing the tourism industry (primarily Kyiv city and Odesa region) and are currently formed for tourism investors. Equally important is the selection of problem regions that have a low level of attractiveness for domestic and foreign tourism. It is noted that Ukraine has a huge potential for the development of the tourism industry. The regions that, according to the results of the cluster analysis, are in the problem group have “world-class tourist pearls”. The Government of Ukraine and local authorities should pay attention to the insufficient level of development of the tourism industry, provide comprehensive support to the regions that are in the problem cluster, and thus increase their level of investment attractiveness.


Kharlamova, G., Stavytskyy, A., Komendant, O.

Aligning Higher Education in Ukraine with the Demands for Data Science Workforce

Accelerated technological development in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution changed the nature of competition in world markets, increasing the importance of technological opportunities as a source of competitive advantage and identifying technology as a key factor in production. Every year, digital technologies change everyday life, creating the foundations for sustainable socio-economic development. Changes resulting from the revolution in information technology signal the need for new approaches to training, particularly in Ukraine. Technologies are improving at a fairly rapid pace, but the methodological base at the level of Ukrainian high education institutions (HEIs) is adapting to such changes rather slowly, which, accordingly, slows down the process of “smarting” of education. In turn, graduates are not the most attractive for the modern labour market. This article highlights the urgent need for extensive training in this area. In turn, the paper aims to offer a case of the study programme for graduating data science analysts (DSAs). The original approach is the master degree programme case for the social science faculty but not for engineering faculty as it is traditionally. The necessity of DSAs is extremely high in the economic field/business however mostly graduates of the engineering faculties having strong programming skills lack the economic knowledge and understanding of business laws. The contribution of the paper is that the proposed program differs from existing ones on the market, but is not implemented in HEIs, with its systematical adaptability to the requirements of the state standard; as well it meets all the requirements of employers in the field of Data Science. The paper is mostly in the practical and descriptive area thus the methodological base of the research are general scientific research methods like historical method, comparative analysis, methods of analyses & synthesis, system approach and logical generalization.


Silviu Nate, Daniel Mara, Alin Croitoru, Felicia Morândau, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova

The Interest Level Assessment in Attending Training Programs among Romanian Teachers: Econometric Approach

The article explores the determinants of Romanian in-service teachers’ willingness to participate in a national training program focused on mentoring in education. A multidimensional analytical model and survey data collected from a large sample of Romanian teachers (N > 5000) revealed a specific profile of those teachers who are interested in joining this type of training in education. It is found that individuals’ interest in joining the training program is positively affected by a higher level of education, prior experiences of attending training programs, and higher awareness of the role of mentoring in education. At the same time, individuals’ self-assessed needs for training and more challenges faced in online/blended teaching during the pandemic period also increase the teachers’ chances to be interested in joining the training program. However, a negative relationship is found between age and the willingness to enroll in the training program. Based on these general findings, the article advances the comparisons between three subsamples of teachers depending on their teaching level (primary education, lower-secondary education, and upper-secondary education). The study is designed to contribute to the general debate on reforming education systems through mentoring in education, and its findings can inform policymakers and stakeholders in the field.


Erstida Ulvidienė, Irma Meškauskaitė, Andriy Stavytskyy, Vincentas Rolandas Giedraitis

An Investigation of the Influence of Economic Growth on Taxes in Lithuania

Ekonomika 2023, vol. 102(1), pp. 41–59. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Ekon.2023.102.1.3

The level of economic interstate competition has been growing significantly in recent decades. Countries are constantly trying to apply lower tax rates to attract large businesses to their territory. They are also trying to improve the efficiency of tax collection on their area of jurisdiction. The paper examines how economic growth affects Lithuania’s tax collections. Based on quarterly data of the 2002–2022 period, ARDL models for the main types of taxes were considered. We find that for all types of taxes, the models have the same structure, which allows comparing the impact of gross domestic product on tax collections both in the short term and in the long term. Analysis showed that the largest reserves are in the corporate sector, where the growth in tax revenues exceeds gross domestic product growth by 115%. The long-term effect for general taxes is almost 19% higher than the growth of the tax base, that is, the Lithuanian economy as a whole has a tendency for a reduction of the shadow economy, which means that there are significant opportunities for further growth.


Silviu Nate, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova

Index of the Openness and Transparency of Budgeting and Financial Management of the Defence and Security Sector: Case of Ukraine

Sustainability,2023, 15(7), 5617; https://doi.org/10.3390/su15075617

Currently, the military actions on the territory of Ukraine require significant support from EU countries and partners in providing military and material assistance. The issue of openness and transparency of budgeting, particularly in the defence and security sector, becomes even more significant. The peak of interest in the literature on the issues of openness and transparency of budgeting appeared in 2005–2006. However, in Ukraine, which has largely continued to follow Soviet trends, this is an alarming subject. It has been brought to the forefront by the events after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. One of the ways to guarantee the openness and transparency of budgeting is the development of a suitable open data system, which includes the analysis of all financial costs based on the proper methodology. Such a methodology should be founded on the concept of assessing the openness and transparency of budgeting and financial management of the defence and security sector of Ukraine at the current stage in the conditions of war and, after it, be measured quantitatively and implemented using IT. This article aims to consider the methodology of an index of openness and transparency of budgeting and financial management of the defence and security sector and to implement it in the case of Ukraine. Based on the conducted literature review, a new method to calculate the index of openness and budgeting transparency of the defence and security sector of Ukraine is built. Nine separate indicators are defined, and each of them affects the final value of the index. Some indicators have a binary form, and some have a scale, which is used to estimate their specific weight of impact. This approach makes it possible not only to monitor the openness and transparency of the defence and security sector but also to show the dynamics of the development of the phenomenon and compare it, in the future, with other countries. Based on calculations for 2008–2021, the trend of this index is shown for Ukraine, and conclusions are made regarding its further application.


Silviu Nate, Ganna Kharlamova, Andriy Stavytskyy,

Roundtable Discussion on Ukrainian Reconstruction After the War: Key Policy Paper and Recommendations

Background: The work examines the results and conclusions of the roundtable held on May 24, 2023, within the framework of the research project. The participants of the event discussed the main challenges that the Ukrainian government will face after the war when restoring the economy. The war and Ukraine’s expected victory should significantly change the geopolitical and economic situation in the world, change the understanding of energy as a weapon, and thus, create a guarantee of energy independence for the entire European continent. Scholars, policy makers, scientists, and practitioners joined together in discussion about addressing the needs of Ukraine after the victory, during the reconstruction phase. The participants noted the inevitability of institutional changes in the Ukrainian state, which is required by the future accession to the EU and NATO. However, in addition to economic challenges, Ukraine will face a complex of significant post-war problems: ensuring social stability, restoring infrastructure, ensuring the integration of the military into peaceful life, restoring the ecology of the territories where military operations were conducted, and significantly reforming the judicial system.

Results and Conclusions: The policy paper concerning Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts was announced as a result of the roundtable. It was highlighted that, to establish a future regional infrastructure and foster a win-win business perspective, it is crucial to engage in practical discussions with the Romanian government and private companies. Creating a shared business platform would facilitate the transition from expressing interests to direct participation in the recovery process. To achieve broader reconstruction goals, it is essential to involve other Western industry actors from countries like Germany, France, Italy, the U.S., the UK, Poland, Norway, etc., with their financial, technological, and implementation capabilities.


E. Ulvidienė, I. Meškauskaitė, V. Giedraitis, A. Stavytskyy

The Relationship between GDP and Tax Revenues from the Market of Gambling and Lotteries in Lithuania

More than two decades after the legalisation of gambling and almost three decades after the beginning of the organisation of lotteries in Lithuania (the Gaming Law of the Republic of Lithuania came into force in 2001 and the Law on Lotteries in 2004), it is already possible to discern the trends in the development of this business and the impact of this business on the individual and on society. Gambling and lotteries are seen ambiguously both in the work of researchers and in society: some see the activity as a fun pastime or a form of leisure, while others argue that it is an addiction with negative psychological, social and economic consequences for the individual, the family and society. In Lithuania, there has been very little research on the impact of gambling and lotteries on individuals and society, compared to other countries such as Italy, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In these countries, gambling and lotteries have a very long and deep tradition, are a very important area of the economy (business) and a popular way of spending leisure time. This article examines the development trends of the gambling and lotteries market in Lithuania. The study made use of quarterly time series data including from 2004Q1 to 2021Q4. During the research we established, that every year, the income from land-based gambling decreases and the gross income from online gambling increases. In 2021, 53 percent of the gross gambling and lottery revenue structure was from online gambling. Additionally, according to the of Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, the paper estimated the relationship between the gross domestic product of Lithuania and the tax receipts of gambling and lotteries to the Lithuanian state budget. According to the study, GDP growth influences gambling and lottery tax revenues directly, without postponed effect, but at the same time, there is a fairly strong inertia in budget revenues from gambling and lottery.


A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova, V. Shpyrko

Financing Ukraine's defense expenditures:  a new geopolitical paradigm or preservation of sustainable trends?

The largest military conflict in Europe since the Second World War raises natural questions about the economic justification of its causes and its impact on various sectors of the economy. First of all, the defense sector comes under analysis, in which significant changes have taken place in all countries over the last decade. A significant critical review of the literature is carried out in the paper. It revealed how the degree of financing of the defense sector, the transparency of such financing, and its size affect the development of national security and defense resilience, how deeply these issues were considered from a methodological point of view. The research examines the issue of defense spending in Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the EU, the USA, and China. It is shown that these countries observed different trends in the financing of the army, which was caused by different strategies and approaches to the probability of a high-intensity military conflict. Based on economic and mathematical analysis, the paper demonstrates that the highest level of militarization was observed precisely in the Russian Federation, which was purposefully preparing for war. While Ukraine's military spending was roughly at the same level. The EU and the US had similar dynamics and stable amplitude in military spending. China had the stable percentage of military spending in the state budget. Given the current geopolitical situation, it is supposed to expect further increases in defense expenditures in all of the analysed countries to modernize their armies. The paper emphasizes the importance of transparency and effective budgeting in ensuring a strong and well-equipped army that can defend the country and strengthen its international position. One way to achieve transparency and openness in budgeting is through the development of an appropriate open information system based on the concept of assessing openness and transparency in budgeting and financial management in the defense and security sector of Ukraine, which should be quantitatively measured and programmatically implemented.


A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Publishing: Preliminary Remarks and Perspectives

Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. 2023 4 (21). https://doi.org/10.33327/AJEE-18-6.3-n000319

Artificial intelligence programs are constantly developing, becoming an increasingly powerful tool for solving various problems. First of all, attempts have been made to use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate new texts, but practice shows that the level of creativity exhibited by these programs is still insufficient for producing substantial articles. Of course, this will not prevent AI programs from developing text, including generation of not only dissimilar text, but capably accomplishing certain conceptual tasks. However, even today, it is possible to use AI programs to solve standard tasks in the preparation, editing, reviewing, processing, and publication of scientific texts. This article will provide an overview of the latest trends in the use of AI programs for academic publishing using examples of several scientific journals. We will look at different levels of AI and their impact on editorial work and review the potential of AI in complementing human input. Next, we will consider the following stages of working with scientific texts in the editorial offices of scientific journals: author and article registration in the journal system; initial analysis of the article; choice of reviewers; article review; communication with the author regarding received reviews; publication decision; proofreading and publication of work; its registration in database systems. In the conclusion, we summarise tips for editors on how to use AI.


Vincentas Giedraitis, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova, Erstida Ulvidienė

Bring on the light: reduction of the corporate shadow economy by tax reform

Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. 2023 4 (21).  https://doi.org/10.33327/AJEE-18-6.4-a000410

Background: Our preliminary research shows that tax reform can have a meaningful impact in reducing the corporate shadow economy of a society. Countries are constantly applying lower tax rates to attract large businesses to their territory. They are also trying to improve tax collection efficiency in their jurisdiction area. We study the relationship between the Baltic countries' tax systems and the shadow economy level within their respective economies. Our research examines how economic growth can reduce the corporate shadow economy due to changes in tax collections.
Methods: Based on quarterly data from 2002-2022, a panel regression was chosen for the analysis, which allows for determining the impact of each specific tax on the level of the shadow economy separately, considering all three samples as one synergistic system.
Results and Conclusions: Thus far, we find that for all types of taxes, the models have the same structure, which allows for comparing the impact of gross domestic product on tax collections both in the short and long term. Our analysis showed that the effective income tax rate growth increases the shadow economy; that is, the country's citizens attempt to move into the shadows. At the same time, the growth of the effective corporate income tax rate, on the contrary, reduces the level of the shadow economy. A positive increase in the effective VAT rate also contributes to the growth of the shadow economy. The long-term effect for general taxes is almost 19% higher than the growth of the tax base. Thus, as to the Lithuanian economy, for example, it has a tendency for a reduction of the shadow economy, which means that there are significant opportunities for further improvement..


Ganna Kharlamova, Andriy Stavytskyy

Ukraine needs to think about its economic future after the war

As of today, Ukraine is embroiled in a brutal struggle to remain an independent state, making it difficult to look beyond unfolding military events. Few, then, would be confident in predicting the circumstances amid which the country will eventually emerge from war and embark on its long road to recovery. The question of which sectors or areas of industry Ukraine should pursue when the time comes to relaunch its economy remains perilously unclear.


A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova, V. Shpyrko

Influence of political and technological factors on foreign direct investment: comparative economic and mathematical analysis of Ukraine and countries of the world

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2023; 2(223): 131-142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2023/223-2/18

Background. Over the past quarter-century, there has been a noticeable increase in Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), especially in developing countries. The relevance of this research stems from geopolitical changes, technological progress, and the crucial role of FDI in financing economic and social development. This article is dedicated to examining Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the context of determining factors that make a recipient country attractive.
Methods.The chosen key influencing factors include political and technological aspects across seven different countries worldwide, including Ukraine. By employing regression modeling methods on these seven countries (Ukraine, Germany, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Romania, the United States, and Japan), we have identified the key factors that have the most impact on FDI in each of these countries.
Results. The analysis underscores the importance of factors such as political stability and the import of ICT goods for attracting FDI to Ukraine. The article concludes by emphasizing the significance of attracting FDI for the reconstruction of infrastructure, businesses, and the IT market, particularly with regards to funding from international organizations and investments from international corporations in Ukraine and other post-war partner countries. However, this involvement requires the achievement of political stability in the country, as well as the formation of an economy aimed at exporting goods. It is for this reason that the opening of international markets for Ukrainian products is quite crucial.


A. Stavytskyy

Russia’s War in Ukraine: Mobilisation in Wartime

In the third year of Russia’s war in Ukraine, the need to rotate most Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel has become urgent. Ideally, this should be completed by February 2025. This will, in turn, require the mobilisation of around half a million people, dealing a significant blow to the Ukrainian economy and challenging military training structures.


S. Nate, A. Colibășanu, A. Stavytskyy, G. Kharlamova

Impact of the russo-Uainian war on black sea trade: geoeconomic challenges

This paper investigates the strategic importance of the Black Sea region in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Focusing on trade dynamics, geopolitical actors, and regional cooperation, the study analyzes the region's transformation and the resulting implications for global trade. The paper examines how the conflict has redefined trade relationships among Black Sea nations and major powers. For this purpose, trend models are evaluated for three-time samples for the export and import of products of 7 countries of the Black Sea Basin in both nominal and relative dimensions. In total, the evaluation and analysis encompass 1764 econometric models. Noteworthy trends include the evolving roles of the EU, the Middle East, and Russia, the potential resurgence of Ukraine, and Turkey's mediating role. The post-conflict landscape could witness heightened Western influence and continued Chinese engagement.


S. Nate, A. Stavytskyy, R. Șerbu, E. Stoica

Conference discussion “Beyond conflict, Ukraine's journey to recovery reform and post-war reconstruction”

The paper investigates the results and conclusions of the conference held on 29 November 2023 within the framework of the research project. The conference extensively discussed the current problems facing Ukraine amidst an aggressive ongoing war. Considerable attention was paid to the country's post-war recovery, necessitating significant reforms in various sectors of the national economy. Participants underscored the need for these reforms to be integrated rather than isolated initiatives, serving as a comprehensive solution for Ukraine's achievement of the SDGs and fulfilling the criteria for joining the EU and NATO. The paper delves into the main challenges for implementing such reforms, their main elements, and their relationship, all of which were discussed during the conference. Particular attention was paid to achieving and maintaining the country’s macroeconomic stability during military operations and identifying the main programs essential for revitalising Ukraine's economy. Furthermore, the paper presents successful cases of reform implementation at the micro level in state institutions.
Results and Conclusions:
Following the conference, a program document on the directions for the restoration and development in Ukraine was drafted. It pointed out the critical need for unity between European countries and the USA in supporting Ukraine and providing timely aid. In Ukraine, achieving unity between the government and business regarding the de-shadowing of the economy, reform of the tax system, customs service, and administration of basic taxes and fees emerged as an issue. This should create prerequisites for the inflow of investments into the Ukrainian economy, ultimately reducing the gap with European countries.


Vincentas Rolandas Giedraitis, Andriy Stavytskyy, Ganna Kharlamova,  Erstida Ulvidienė, Andrew Jorgenson

Mitigating the shadow: Exploring taxes as solutions

Nations attempt to attract major enterprises to their territories by implementing lower tax rates while simultaneously enhancing tax collection efficiency within their jurisdictional boundaries. In this study, we scrutinize the correlation between the Baltic countries’ tax systems and the levels of the shadow economy inherent to their respective economic landscapes. Our analysis indicates that tax reform can substantially influence diminishing the corporate shadow economy within a society. More specifically, our research delves into how economic growth can mitigate the corporate shadow economy, primarily driven by shifts in tax collections within Lithuania. Utilizing quarterly data from 2002 to 2022, we use panel regression and causality analyses as the overall analytical approach. The analyses uncover a complex relationship between various effective taxes and the extent of the shadow economy. Notably, we find that while an increase in the effective income tax rate is associated with a growing shadow economy, an uptick in the effective corporate income tax rate has the opposite effect, reducing its scale. Additionally, a rise in the effective VAT rate is linked to an expanded shadow economy. However, the influence of these effective taxes on imports has limited significance in regulating the scope of the shadow economy, likely due to increased tax evasion incentives. Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of how tax reform can impact the shadow economy and underscores the need for more comprehensive strategies to address this issue.


Danylo Krasovytskyi, Andriy Stavytskyy

Predicting Mortgage Loan Defaults Using Machine Learning Techniques

Mortgage default prediction is always on the table for financial institutions. Banks are interested in provision planning, while regulators monitor systemic risk, which this sector may possess. This research is focused on predicting defaults on a one-year horizon using data from the Ukrainian credit registry apply-ing machine-learning methods. This research is useful for not only academia but also policymakers since it helps to assess the need for implementation of macroprudential instruments. We tested two data balancing techniques: weighting the original sample and synthetic minority oversampling technique and compared the results. It was found that random forest and extreme gradient-boosting decision trees are better classifiers regarding both accuracy and precision. These models provided an essential balance between actual default precision and minimizing false defaults. We also tested neural networks, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines with linear kernels, and decision trees, but they showed similar results to logistic regression. The result suggested that real gross domestic product (GDP) growth and debt-service-to-income ratio (DSTI) were good predictors of default. This means that a realistic GDP forecast as well as a proper assessment of the borrower’s DSTI through the loan history can predict default on a one-year horizon. Adding other varia-bles such as the borrower’s age and loan interest rate can also be beneficial. However, the residual maturity of mortgage loans does not contribute to default probability, which means that banks should treat both new borrowers equally and those who nearly repaid the loan


T.Karpavicius, A. Stavytskyy, V. Giedraitis, E. Ulvidienė, G.Kharlamova, B.Kavaliauskaite

What Determines the Crime Rate? A Macroeconomic Case Study

Economies 2024, 12(9), 250; https://doi.org/10.3390/economies12090250

This study examines the relationship between economic indicators and crime rates in six European countries: Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Finland and Sweden. By examining macroeconomic factors such as GDP, security spending and per capita consumption, the study aims to understand how these variables affect crime dynamics. Using robust econometric techniques, including panel regression with fixed effects, the study identifies significant correlations and patterns. The findings reveal that the crime rate has a high degree of inertia and is significantly influenced by the previous level. Contrary to expectations, increased per capita consumption is associated with higher crime rates, which may indicate that wealthier societies are experiencing an increase in economic crime. Furthermore, higher spending on security does not necessarily reduce crime, suggesting that types of crime evolve as detection capabilities improve. This study highlights the complexity of the nexus between crime and the economy, highlighting the need for multifaceted, long-term policies to effectively combat crime and increase public safety. The results offer valuable insights for policymakers to develop comprehensive crime prevention and economic development strategies.


A. Stavytskyy

Global Power Shifting Tendencies Influenced by the Conflict’s Outcome: Regional and Global Implications.

In: Nate, S. (eds) Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction. Contributions to Security and Defence Studies. Springer, Cham. P. 1-14 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66434-2_1

The initiation of military operations by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022 sparked a full-scale war in Europe, impacting the global economy and geopolitical dynamics. This chapter delves into the underlying factors that ignited the conflict, with a particular focus on Russia’s historical inclination towards expansion through warfare, its reliance on resource exports, and military capabilities, and its response to technological changes. The modern world’s decreasing reliance on resources in favour of technological development poses a challenge to resource-rich countries like Russia, leading to efforts to maintain dominance through military aggression. Russia’s economic dependence on resource exports, particularly energy, exacerbates its vulnerability to global market shifts. Understanding the multifaceted drivers of conflict is essential for addressing geopolitical tensions and fostering global stability. Mitigating the risk of future conflicts requires strategic diplomacy, economic diversification, and technological innovation to navigate evolving geopolitical landscapes.


A. Stavytskyy, G.Kharlamova

SDGs Realization for the Renovation of Ukraine.

In: Nate, S. (eds) Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction. Contributions to Security and Defence Studies. Springer, Cham.  P. 31-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66434-2_3

The chapter explores the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and its integration into the European and global economy. It emphasizes the need for strategic planning to achieve peace and outlines steps for sustainable development until 2030. The paper discusses the necessity of rapid reforms to modernize the economy, prioritize clean and resource-efficient practices, and address environmental risks. Special attention is given to the management of post-war waste and the adoption of new principles for resource processing. The importance of harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with EU standards is highlighted, with a focus on reforms necessary for EU accession. The paper outlines a roadmap for achieving Sustainable Development Goals post-war. Key challenges include geopolitical shifts, the duration of the conflict, and the need for significant financial assistance. The chapter concludes with the potential for Ukraine to become a regional economic centre in case of SDG implementation with EU support and substantial financial aid for post-war recovery and integration.


A. Dligach, A. Stavytskyy

Resilience Factors of Ukrainian Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Business

Economies 202412(12), 319; https://doi.org/10.3390/economies12120319

Nowadays, businesses in Ukraine face new challenges that the world has never experienced before. Earlier, during the war, countries had to curtail their economic activities, everything operated for the sake of military needs. However, now, within hybrid wars, the country’s economy and its actors have to demonstrate rapid adaptive models and changes in strategies, and sometimes function without strategies at all. Advanter Group conducted a survey of 696 Ukrainian enterprises in the period from 20 December 2023 to 8 January 2024 (a year of full-scale aggression); a direct questionnaire method was used. Key hypotheses (10 hypotheses) regarding the resilience factors of Ukrainian businesses during the period of the full-scale invasion were tested using statistical analysis methods. Statistically significant differences were established in various aspects of the functioning of SMBs. Based on the research, it is concluded that reforms in the legal sphere, aimed at facilitating conditions for business and protecting the rights of enterprises, are an urgent necessity for the further development of the economy of Ukraine. Practical recommendations arising from the research are presented, including reducing the level of uncertainty for business, revising the tax system, creating incentives for the development of SMBs, and increasing the transparency and stability of the conditions for resource mobilization. Several key principles of the national policy aimed at facilitating conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and anti-corruption are also suggested.


A. Stavytskyy

Risks of Nuclear Threats in Modern War

In: Cirstoiu, FC., Juc, V., Pop, C., Min, P., Barna, C. (eds) Medical Response Strategy in Case of Radiation Emergency Caused by the War in Ukraine. NATO 2023. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics. Springer, Dordrecht. pp 95–102. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-2266-5_9

The war in Ukraine has become one of the largest military conflicts since World War II. It has heightened concerns about the potential for either controlled or uncontrolled radiation contamination over a wide area. Currently, it can be stated that the war is fought primarily with the use of conventional weapons. Despite the calls of certain journalists and semi-officials in the Russian Federation to launch nuclear strikes on Ukraine or NATO countries, no movements towards such actions have been observed so far. Furthermore, it is important to state that the use of nuclear weapons in general will not solve the underlying causes of the conflict, therefore, the probability of their use appears to be quite low in this particular war.


Yuliia Petlenko, Ganna Kharlamova, Vincentas Rolandas Giedraitis, Andriy Stavytskyy, Erstida Ulvidienė

Exploring Scandinavian approaches to defense budget transparency in Ukraine: A theoretical review of opportunities and challenges

Public and Municipal Finance, Volume 14, 2025, Issue #1, pp. 65-84. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/pmf.14(1).2025.06

The paper examines the transparency of public finances, with a specific focus on the transparency of Ukraine’s defense budget. The relevance of this study arises from the ongoing war and the increasing public demand for accountability. The study aims to identify concrete measures to address existing gaps in defense budget transparency. The paper applies a comparative methodology, analyzing the feasibility of implementing Scandinavian transparency practices, particularly from Sweden and Norway, which are known for their advanced budgetary oversight mechanisms.
The study identifies key challenges, including bureaucratic inertia, limited technical capacity, political constraints, and national security concerns. To address these issues, the paper evaluates strategies such as developing digital budget platforms for real-time access to defense expenditures, participatory budgeting, and enhanced institutional accountability. The results indicate that Ukraine could benefit from secure digital platforms for real-time access to defense budget data, targeted legislative amendments to improve oversight, strengthened institutional capacity for in-depth budget reviews, and public consultations on non-sensitive areas of defense spending to foster public trust.
The findings suggest that gradual and context-sensitive improvements in defense budget transparency are both feasible and essential for optimizing resource allocation and strengthening public confidence. By providing a structured approach, this study contributes to the broader discourse on public finance transparency, offering practical recommendations tailored to Ukraine’s specific challenges.